“It has taken us centuries of thought and mockery to shake the medieval system; thought and mockery here and now are required to prevent the mechanists [technocrats] from building another.”

Dora Russell,* The Right to Be Happy (1927), preface. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Mockery (*see sidebar)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

In Their Own Words!!!

(At the salad bar with Harris 'n Trump | Trump 'n Harris)

People! People! Are WE USians, even listening to their words? Does it take a raving, parodied, psychopathic dead man to expose the inanity from Left to Right and back again? What's our choice?
1) tyranny by a Cluster B,1 Fwoke2 collective; OR
2) tyranny by a Cluster B Don demanding fealty above all else3?
Take your pick, OR not! either way, the T-Point4 is on the near horizon.

Hitler phones Kamala Harris
(Hitler Rants Parodies | Aug 23, 2024 | Time 5:54 min.) at

Hitler Phones Trump
(Hitler Rants Parodies | Sep 20, 2024 | Time 6:16 min.) at

Hitler reacts to the Harris-Trump debate
(Hitler Rants Parodies | Sep 11, 2024 | Time 8:04 min.) at

More Dem & GOP at the salad bar:
● Hitler phones Kamala Harris
(Hitler Rants Parodies | Sep 22, 2023 | Time 3:06 min.) at
● Hitler phones Trump
(Hitler Rants Parodies | May 24, 2024 | Time 5:28 min.) at
● Hitler is informed Kamala Harris is the presumptive nominee
(Hitler Rants Parodies | Jul 31, 2024 | Time 1:11 min.) at
● Hitler phones Trump
(Hitler Rants Parodies | Jan 26, 2024 | Time 4:46 min.) at
● Hitler interrupts Kamala Harris
(Hitler Rants Parodies | Jun 14, 2019 | Time 2:29 min. | Language caution) at
● Hitler phones Trump
(Hitler Rants Parodies | Aug 18, 2023 | Time 2:25 min.) at
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personality_disorder
2. Fwoke: https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2023/04/correction-fwoke.html
3. https://voices-from-the-dust.blogspot.com/2021/03/006-secret-of-domination-6-6-6.html
Trump: “I value loyalty above everything else—more than brains, more than drive and more than energy.” https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/03/06/donald-trump-loyalty-staff-217227/
4. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2020/05/the-t-point.html

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Channelling Mao*?

What should we make of this Kamala1 mantra:
“What can be — unburdened by what has been”2?
Is this another Kamala, off-the-squall word-salad? or is it a replay of a replay of a replay (ad nauseam?) of a WO agenda that has been slogging its way toward eventual, inevitable failure throughout decades and generations of deluded utopians?

So what might “unburdened” mean to inquiring, memorable minds? How about: unburdened by
▪ old thinking
▪ old knowledge
▪ old science
▪ old culture
▪ old morals
▪ old customs
▪ old nigh everything3?

In plain, historical words: a replay of “Mao Zedong Thought.”4

If we spend even one hour scanning YouTube, TikToK. MSM newscasts, and the like, we witness how most of “what has been” is being castigated and targeted for cancellation or inversion. The ideology of Fwoke5 is now the USian elite path6 as Kamala and company (plus others more astute) careen down their notorious Route 666 with reckless (panicked?) abandon, obliterating diversity, equity, and inclusion in the name of DiversityEquityInclusion. That’s right! truly a house divided against itself.7

Thus, the fwokers sink into old despotisms, misperceiving and rejecting the “real progressive advances” of recent decades while resurrecting the real tyrannies, oppressions, sins, and regressions / digressions of past centuries.

So here’s an invitation to the fwoke folks: There is yet some time to wake up to
“What can beenlightened by what has been.”
*And his legions of predecessors and successors.
Mao Zedong[a] (26 December 1893 – 9 September 1976), also known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese politician, ;Marxist theorist, military strategist, poet, and revolutionary who was the founder of the People's Republic of China (PRC). He led the country from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976, while also serving as the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party during that time. His theories, military strategies and policies are known as Maoism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Zedong

1. Kamala Devi Harris ... born October 20, 1964) is an American politician and attorney who is the 49th and current vice president of the United States since 2021 under President Joe Biden. She is the first female vice president, making her the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history, as well as the first African American and first Asian American vice president.[3][4] A member of the Democratic Party, she served as a U.S. senator from California from 2017 to 2021, and earlier as the attorney general of California. Harris is the Democratic Party's nominee in the 2024 U.S. presidential election.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamala_Harris
2, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K3rbIEsZC0
3. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2024/04/the-mao-way.html
4, Maoism, officially Mao Zedong Thought, is a variety of Marxism–Leninism that Mao Zedong developed while trying to realize a socialist revolution in the agricultural, pre-industrial society of the Republic of China and later the People's Republic of China. ... The term "Maoism" is a creation of Mao's supporters; Mao himself always rejected it and preferred the use of the term "Mao Zedong Thought". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maoism
5. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2023/04/correction-fwoke.html
6. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2023/07/the-garden-path-to-pathocracy.html
7. New Testament | Matthew 12:25–26’ Mark 3:24-25; Luke 11:17-18
   25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
   26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Dionysus!? You Don’t Say!?

(Gaslighting at the Paris Olympics?)

Ah, yes, let us celebrate Dionysus! the god of insanity and ritual madness.* Sure, why not? Let’s celebrate the “unbridled,” ecstatic god (and his various ancient incarnations) that has presided over the fall of nigh every collapsed civilization since creation. Let’s commemorate the inebriating** god of SOD (self-obsessed divas & divos). Let’s pretend history is not repeating itself. Let’s pretend till the end, shall we? Or maybe, not.

Symbolism Explained: The Olympics Opening Ceremony is Worse than You Thought
(Jonathan Pageau | Jul 31, 2024 | Time 25:21 min.) at
**Partly by consuming him in the form of wine and partly through ecstatic dancing, Dionysus’s celebrants would achieve communion with the god, becoming enthusiastic Bacchant( e) s and maenads (“ manic ones”), literally having the god inside them, en-theos in Greek. They headed for the mountain wilderness, there to be “one” with nature. Small or young animals would be seized, torn apart, and consumed raw, their blood being viewed as another incarnation of the deity.
Giesecke, Annette. Classical Mythology A to Z (pp. 55-56). Running Press. Kindle Edition.
BACCHANTES Bacchantes (or Bacchants and Bacchae) were the female worshippers of the wine god Bacchus, who was also called Dionysus. The Bacchantes were also known as Maenads after the mania (“ madness” in Greek) that overcame them while they were possessed by the god.
Ibid.. (p. 212). Kindle Edition.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Mock-Ups of "Lie, Cheatle, Steal, Kill"

When people in positions of power choose to “lie, cheatle, steal, and kill”* with blatant disregard for their own and others’ intelligence, do they not deserve mocking words heaped upon their heads to (try to) awaken them to the depths of disgrace they have brought upon themselves,** their organizations, and their country. Here are two classic mock-ups of recent events:

The Secret Service During The Assassination Attempt
(AwakenWithJP | Jul 19, 2024 | Time 7:41 min.) at
(Some language warning)
Also at https://awakenwithjp.com/pages/videos

Meet the Sloped Roof Rangers: The Secret Service’s New Elite Force
(Presidential Reviews | Jul 20, 2024 } Time 2:21 min.) at
Let us pray that the people of the world wake-up fully to the mockery upon mockery that is being perpetrated against truth, freedom, and justice by the corrupted powers as they pursue their dreams (our nightmares) of Utopian order through death, destruction, and authoritarian reconstruction.

*(Paraphrase of former CIA Director, Mike Pompeo: “We lied, we cheated, we stole”) See https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2020/01/lost-soul-of-america.html
**Sloped roof:

Monday, June 24, 2024

Hey World! The Future in 1.08 Minutes?

(Thanks to the Bitten Apple)

Crush! | iPad Pro | Apple
(Apple | May 7, 2024 | Time 1:08 min.) at
(Archived at https://web.archive.org/)
Did I say “The Future”? I misspoke. Not the real future, just the future envisioned by “power” Utopians and their gods — you know, those dreamers like Chairman Mao and other faux-wokers1 who are obsessed with destroying all the:
▪ old thinking
▪ old knowledge
▪ old culture
▪ old morals
▪ old customs2
So, let us ponder: Could the projected future of the Utopians be portrayed any more graphically than Apple just did? Ironically, 40 years ago Apple celebrated its creativity with a 1:06 minute, iconic “1984 Super Bowl Commercial.”3 However, this 2024 commercial has upped the ante from the 1984  commercial. There, in 1984,  Apple mocked the competition; here it crushes not just the competition, but creativity itself. Not what Apple intended maybe, but truth, as usual, reveals itself in the strangest of ways (with mixed results4).

So here’s a heads-up to the neo-Maoists, Fwokers, and Crushers. The future you dream of ain’t comin’. It might look like you’ve killed the old for a time — like you’ve successfully swept the field clean for a new World Order (WO), but the Universe always, eventually, repays in kind — one sows what one reaps.

So, just another heads-up! It ain't too late, yet, you know, to avoid the reaper — the Crusher!

1. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2023/04/correction-fwoke.html
2. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2024/04/the-mao-way.html
3. Apple 1984 Super Bowl Commercial HD | AppleEventsVideos | posted May 6, 2013 | Time 1:06 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSyy2-Z2m-U
4. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/apple-ad-backlash-hydraulic-press-1.7198704?cmp=newsletter_Morning%20Headlines%20from%20CBC%20News_1613_1552866

Friday, May 24, 2024

Hyper-Hypocrisy At Its Finest!

Viva Frei,* prolific podcaster, has juxtaposed the words of a Canadian Liberal Member of Parliament Karina Gould** with the words of her Liberal leader in a withering exposé of hyper-hypocrisy.

MP Karina takes a stroll in the Ontario woods to lament the sins of Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, apparently oblivious to her party’s recent performance and history; utterly amnesic to the egregious violations of rights, freedoms, and facts, perpetrated by her and her lemming Liberal colleagues — violations that should never be forgotten*** — violations that Viva Frei so skillfully exposed by using their very own words and mindless applause.

This is her heading for her X-post:
“When someone tells you they will start taking your rights away, believe them. And when that someone is Mr. Poilievre, remember he's done it before. This long weekend, tell him the Charter belongs to Canadians and to keep his hands off of our rights and freedoms.” - X-Karina Gould
(Has she read the comments to her X-post?)
This blind walk in the woods should emphatically seal the defeat of MP Karina in the next Federal election for the unbelievable self- and constituency deceptions.

Justin's "Liberal Party" Are Evil Gaslighters of the Worst Kind! Truly The Worst People on Earth
(Viva Frei | May 20, 2024 | Time 8:36 min.) at
Archived at https://web.archive.org/
* https://www.youtube.com/@VivaFrei/videos
** Karina Gould:
https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/karina-gould(88715) | Burlington Ontario Constituency
Ms. Karina has posted this unwitting hypocrisy almost everywhere she could:
*** https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2022/02/nb-we-will-not-forget.html

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Medical-Media-Military Industrial Complex?

AGENDA: Soften Up with COVID | Finish Off with WAR

Repurposed | Recycled Pursuant to the Times
Artist: Carey Orr - 1918 | Repurposed** by SMS - 2022

“COVID Faithful”* - servitors in a Nazi-like narrative of
~ Medical Experimentation | Media Mendacity | Mass Hypnosis | Mindless Obedience ~

**Repurposed Jan. 2022 by SMS: 1) Word “Germany” on t-shirt replaced with “COVID Faithful”* (being believers in a Nazi-like narrative); 2) word “DEMOCRACY” on bottle replaced with “SUPINE SERUM”; 3) Added to soldier: MMMiIC (Medical-Media-Military (intelligence) Industrial Complex).
Observation: the scenario in 2022 has been entirely reversed from 1918: DEMOCRACY has become global tyranny and mindless obedience to a Nazi-like narrative. First repurposed and posted at https://voices-from-the-dust.blogspot.com/2022/01/311-covid-faithful.html

Carey Cassius Orr (January 17, 1890 in Ada, Ohio – May 16, 1967) was an American editorial cartoonist. / In his youth, Orr was a semi-professional baseball pitcher, and he used the money he made from baseball to study at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. After a $15 a week job at the Chicago Examiner, he was 24 when he began at the Nashville Tennessean as a full-time editorial cartoonist. In 1917, he signed on with the Chicago Tribune, where he stayed for 46 years.[1][2] He drew the Kernel Cootie comic strip.[3] | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carey_Orr
Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Carey_Orr_cartoon_1918_sailor_injecting_%22Germany%22_with_democracy.jpg
File URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a9/Carey_Orr_cartoon_1918_sailor_injecting_%22Germany%22_with_democracy.jpg
Attribution: Carey Orr, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Description: Cartoon by Carey Orr: A U.S. sailor injecting "Democracy" via a syringe shaped like a battleship into a figure representing Germany
Date: 1918
Source: (1918) The Great Lakes Recruit: A Pictorial Naval Magazine, Great Lakes Athletic Association, pp. 44–
Permission: Public Domain
Author: Carey Orr

Saturday, March 30, 2024

If X* Were Plotting the End of Chaotic Freedom

(or had an overactive “novel” imagination (like Moc?) triggered by history, false-flags, provocateurs, cabals, combines, odd coincidences, Amalickiah1 / Nimrod2 types, a unique solar eclipse, etc., etc.)

Yes, if X were an evil plotter (wishing to cancel or X rights and freedoms), X would have started decades ago to set-up the perfect recruiting and grooming school to capture wanna-be elites, like, I don’t know – maybe like young global influencers / leaders / shapers, et al.3 Then X would elevate them to high offices in government, industry, law, medicine, media, military, education, churches, etc., etc., etc. X would appeal to their best natures and aspirations, offering amazing opportunities on a need-to-know basis. Once a sufficient number were captured by idealism or honey-potted for service,4 X would do a conjoined Milgram-Zimbardo5 experimental variant to test its (gender neutral / inclusive) global powers, like, I don’t know – maybe like a fear-driven global plandemic. Once X saw how successfully deceptive and divisive it proved (as a primer and predictor for “greater” things to come), X would scan the cosmos for a sign to move on to the next step. And weirdly, as if on cue, X might see how an x might mark the spot6 (the nation?) where “greater” things could begin in earnest.

That’s when X might roll-out its simulated event in dramatic fashion:
▪ by hyping the path of the 2024 X-leg of a total solar eclipse: “Once in a lifetime! Longest solar total blackout in ages! Don’t miss out! Protect your eyes! Join the jocund crowds!”7
▪ by inviting global media, enhanced police / military, and ppe-prepped medics to be on hand, just in case ... of something unexpectedly expected;
▪ by secretly dispersing its newest gain-of-function, fast-acting, mortal variant along miles of jovial eclipse gazers while X-aide monitors the elites’ betting board for the first to fall ill and where. (There are other catastrophic options8 but X's preference would, undoubtedly,  be for the mortal variant as fear would immediately explode from local to global — like maybe Plandemic 02!);
▪ by hyping, with 24/7media streaming, the confused, terrified chaos of both real and simulated victims and witnesses;
▪ by feeding frenzy and fear 24/7 with the assist of pundits, prognosticators, and experts;
▪ by deflecting questions and suspicions with cosmic speculations;
▪ by calling on emergency, airport hospitals located in places distant from the solar event9;
▪ by miraculously discovering, within hours, days, or weeks, an (off-label?) vaccine, pill, or medicine that “cures” the “fatality” (along with vax hesitancy);
▪ by endlessly streaming the global queue lines as terrified, narrative-02 believers clamour for the “cure” while X-aide monitors the elites’ betting board to see whether obedience to the mandated “cure” exceeds the Milgram-experiment percentage, and what percentage of narrative-02 believers hate-speech non-believers;
▪ by presenting the “cure” inventor / scientist as the savior of mankind while X watches the “cure” begin its intended work.
Doesn’t this all sound like a really novel idea for a novel? or novel event?

P.S.: Or maybe the cosmic God has a different novel idea in the wings (or not).

* X Disclaimer: Some entity not called Elon or Musk! or invented or created by him.

1. https://dejavu-timestwo.blogspot.com/2023/12/classic-case-stealth-power-72-bc.html
2. https://moc-n-dox.blogspot.com/2023/11/urgent-memo-to-global-order-gang-gog.html
3. https://moc-n-dox.blogspot.com/2022/02/the-wef-school-of-world-coups.html
4. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2020/10/corruption-by-design.html
5. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2020/04/real-life-milgram-spe.html
6. X Marks the Spot: Paths of Two Rare Solar Eclipses Cross Over New Madrid Fault Region (DAHBOO77 | Mar 31, 2017 | Time 2:05 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJDpFk4MJfk
7. Solar Eclipse – April 8, 2024
   - 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: Why you’ll never see it again | About That
(CBC News | Mar 7, 2024 | Time 6:56 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9IlrWA-z64
   - A Tour of NASA’s 2024 Solar Eclipse Map
(NASA Goddard | Dec 8, 2023 | 1:46 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmtGqOxxmEU
   - Just google 2024 Solar Eclipse to get a flood of fact and fiction.
8. There are other alternatives like bombing crowded cities with the help of servitors; or in the further alternative, implementing some MAVNI option:
Military Accessions Vital to National Interest
9. Samaritan's Purse moving Emergency Field Hospital to Calgary Airport-Melanie Wubs | Bridge City News (Bridge City News | Mar 19, 2024 | Time 1:08 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=calgary+airport+hospital

Saturday, February 24, 2024

More Jesters to the Rescue

When the BEE stings:

Man In Critical Condition After Hearing Slightly Different Viewpoint
(The Babylon Bee | Feb 23, 2024 | Time 4:15 min.) at
See also: https://babylonbee.com/video/man-in-critical-condition-after-hearing-slightly-different-viewpoint
the BEE Gets Us,* too!

* 'He Gets Us' Super Bowl Ad Sparks Viral Debate About Jesus
(CBN News | Feb 13, 2024 | Time 4:41 min.) at