“It has taken us centuries of thought and mockery to shake the medieval system; thought and mockery here and now are required to prevent the mechanists [technocrats] from building another.”

Dora Russell,* The Right to Be Happy (1927), preface. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Mockery (*see sidebar)

Showing posts with label gas-lighting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gas-lighting. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2025

Gas-lighting War?

Well, "American" folks of North America (being Canadians, USians, and Mexicans), before we got to the Tariff Wars, we started with the Gas-lighting War and we, the North and South neighbours, apparently LOST because no one ASKED (including a bevy of reporters crowded before Trump’s new press secretary, Karoline Leavitt): “HOW (in the name of your vaunted common sense) are Canada and Mexico letting illegal immigrants and tons of illicit drugs into the U.S.? Surely in that sardine bunch, someone actually wondered about border protocol, so why, why, why didn’t someone ask:
What do you mean "allow / enable"? Is the U.S. government so short on citizens that they have taken to hiring Canadian and Mexican custom and immigration officers at their ports of entry? Is that how Canada and Mexico are subverting and harming the U.S.?

Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt Briefs Members of the Media, Jan. 31, 2025
(The White House | Jan 31, 2025 | Time 39:02 min.) at
(see at min. mark 14:40: "The president will be implementing tomorrow [25 % tariffs on Mexico and Canada ...] for the illegal fentanyl that they have sourced and allowed to distribute into our country which has killed tens of millions of Americans ..." & at 20:00: "The tariffs are incoming tomorrow on Canada and the reason for that is because both Canada and Mexico have allowed an unprecedented invasion of illegal fentanyl that is killing American citizens and also illegal immigrants into our country. ... Canada Mexico, and China ... have all enabled illegal drugs to pour into America ...")
I live near the border and not once (as a dual) have I been stopped by the Canadian side before presenting myself to the U.S. side (and vice versa), so what is all this “allowed / enabled” accusation? Is Canada supposed to supply the U.S. side with training for detection of terrorists and criminals? with drug-sniffing dogs? with border patrols to prevent people from entering the U.S.? How utterly bizarre to listen to Ms Leavitt allege that Canada's offence is to “allow” illicit drugs and illegals into the U.S. How much is allegedly sourced from Canada? And how much from some of your own U.S. diplomats, CiA, et al. who bring in drugs by the pouch, body bag, and planeload, or are grown / produced on your own soil ? How many criminals and terrorists have waltzed past your airport customs and immigration officers with false or special exemption documents because they were on (secret) USian assignment? There are more USian exposés than time to read them all, shelved under “conspiracy theory” so people ignore or mock them until time and declassification prove them true. Many of these exposés are written by U.S. insiders and patriots with integrity. Many know first hand of U.S. government corruption, crime, and bullying and are distressed by the sense of entitlement,  injustice, and violation of Constitution.

Of course, there are millions of great U.S. citizens, but so far, most have allowed  / enabled crime and corruption to flourish by pretending it doesn't exist except in the opposing red or blue "team." Unfortunately the same applies to Canada. Our lax enforcement has allowed crime and corruption to flourish, too. We need to clean our Canadian house to be a better neighbour, just as the U.S. does. 

So yes, there are undoubtedly “bad guys” in Canada that USians don’t want, just as there are “bad guys” in the U.S. that Canada and Mexico don’t want, but allowing or denying entry to the U.S. is the sole responsibility of U.S. officials.

I had some great hopes that the massive gas-lighting of Biden’s press secretary would be over, but it seems not. Maybe Leavitt is not as transparently egregious, but perhaps more dangerous with the brazen confidence of casting blame (a favored tool of gas-lighters) in with a potpourri of truth, reason, and consequence.

Let us open our eyes and ears, my fellow USians and Canadians: the U.S. is solely responsible for who or what they let into their country. Neither Canada, Mexico, nor China can dictate terms of U.S. entry. We are to protect (and clean up) our side of the border, they, to  protect (and clean up) their  side, This victim mentality and gas-lighting by this superpower in this border matter is astonishing.

Four final words: God help us all.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Not-So-Great Canadian Snow Job

If there were two words to describe what the Liberals and NDP under PM Trudeau have done to Canada over the past nine years, it might be “Snow Job”
1) Snowjob, an American colloquialism for a cover-up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_Job
A cover-up is an attempt, whether successful or not, to conceal evidence of wrongdoing, error, incompetence, or other embarrassing information. Research has distinguished personal cover-ups (covering up one's own misdeeds) from relational cover-ups (covering up someone else's misdeeds).[1]
The expression is usually applied to people in positions of authority who abuse power to avoid or silence criticism or to deflect guilt of wrongdoing. Perpetrators of a cover-up (initiators or their allies) may be responsible for a misdeed, a breach of trust or duty, or a crime. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cover-up

2) An effort to deceive, overwhelm, or persuade with insincere talk, especially flattery. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snow%20job

3) an attempt to persuade someone to do something, or to persuade someone that something is good or true, when it is not:
Not only have the “powers” ignored or quashed investigations of corruption time after time, but they have voted against Rights and Freedoms and decimated out military. Here is one person’s somewhat mocking observation:
Canada is Ready

But bear up Canada. The LIB/NDP snow job is about to melt away if we wake-up and make the right choices. Let us resist the newest snow job that the coronation of an elitist, central banker is the answer to Canada's woes. Remember the Dear Fellow Canadians: “Heads Up”* from short months ago.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Mock-Ups of "Lie, Cheatle, Steal, Kill"

When people in positions of power choose to “lie, cheatle, steal, and kill”* with blatant disregard for their own and others’ intelligence, do they not deserve mocking words heaped upon their heads to (try to) awaken them to the depths of disgrace they have brought upon themselves,** their organizations, and their country. Here are two classic mock-ups of recent events:

The Secret Service During The Assassination Attempt
(AwakenWithJP | Jul 19, 2024 | Time 7:41 min.) at
(Some language warning)
Also at https://awakenwithjp.com/pages/videos

Meet the Sloped Roof Rangers: The Secret Service’s New Elite Force
(Presidential Reviews | Jul 20, 2024 } Time 2:21 min.) at
Let us pray that the people of the world wake-up fully to the mockery upon mockery that is being perpetrated against truth, freedom, and justice by the corrupted powers as they pursue their dreams (our nightmares) of Utopian order through death, destruction, and authoritarian reconstruction.

*(Paraphrase of former CIA Director, Mike Pompeo: “We lied, we cheated, we stole”) See https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2020/01/lost-soul-of-america.html
**Sloped roof:

Friday, May 24, 2024

Hyper-Hypocrisy At Its Finest!

Viva Frei,* prolific podcaster, has juxtaposed the words of a Canadian Liberal Member of Parliament Karina Gould** with the words of her Liberal leader in a withering exposé of hyper-hypocrisy.

MP Karina takes a stroll in the Ontario woods to lament the sins of Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, apparently oblivious to her party’s recent performance and history; utterly amnesic to the egregious violations of rights, freedoms, and facts, perpetrated by her and her lemming Liberal colleagues — violations that should never be forgotten*** — violations that Viva Frei so skillfully exposed by using their very own words and mindless applause.

This is her heading for her X-post:
“When someone tells you they will start taking your rights away, believe them. And when that someone is Mr. Poilievre, remember he's done it before. This long weekend, tell him the Charter belongs to Canadians and to keep his hands off of our rights and freedoms.” - X-Karina Gould
(Has she read the comments to her X-post?)
This blind walk in the woods should emphatically seal the defeat of MP Karina in the next Federal election for the unbelievable self- and constituency deceptions.

Justin's "Liberal Party" Are Evil Gaslighters of the Worst Kind! Truly The Worst People on Earth
(Viva Frei | May 20, 2024 | Time 8:36 min.) at
Archived at https://web.archive.org/
* https://www.youtube.com/@VivaFrei/videos
** Karina Gould:
https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/karina-gould(88715) | Burlington Ontario Constituency
Ms. Karina has posted this unwitting hypocrisy almost everywhere she could:
*** https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2022/02/nb-we-will-not-forget.html

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Memo II: A Heads-Up for the Global Order Gang (GOG)

Reality Check

Since reading Stealth Power ...,1 I have been wondering if all people-without-conscience — i.e., PWOCs (sometimes known as assets of the GOG) — are also people-without-corpus-callosum2? You know, that wide, thick bundle of fibers that connects the left brain hemisphere with the right in placental mammals? I wonder because there seems a vast disconnect between real human nature and GOG imagination. YES, the GOG has correctly fingered numerous flaws in naïve, gullible, unsophisticated, fickle commoners, but the fantastic supra-human that the GOG thinks to “groom” and elevate as “The King of the World” (Stealth Principle 243) is, without historical doubt, going to betray the GOG, big time, time after time (as will all his successors). I just think the GOG should be aware of this, as a resilience factor — so yes, it's a heads-up — a reality check!

And I am not even mentioning all the inner-sanctum GOG-PWOCs who know in their inner depths that King-ME, not King-HE, is the better choice for a perfect GO-WO kingpin.

Nor do I mention all those outside the inner sanctum who crave (and will connive) to be IN via their own secret sanctum despite impregnable security surveillance.

Nor do I mention the human nature of the alleged honorific “trio of patrons” who choose, groom (p,120), and endorse the Sovereign Lord’s ascension to “King of the World.”

Nor do I mention the Sovereign Lord-King’s bondage to enforced sacrifice of all things personal or sensual (p.121-22) for the greater good.

Nor all the [Mock]iavellian4 statesmen who failed over millennia to survive The Prince[ly] fantasy of “power and survival” favored by the late Heinz Kissinger.

Nor the “rose-colored specs”5 that Heinz donned for his power theories and analyses.

Having not mentioned all those things and many others, let us ask a few questions of the current GOG-PWOC:
If a “trio of patrons” groom and monitor the Supreme Ruler, for this:
Our supreme leader must embody the pinnacle of moral integrity. His conduct and character must be beyond reproach, serving as a paragon of virtue and an exemplar of the highest ethical standards. This irreproachable nature is not only a requirement but a symbol of the lofty ideals that he upholds as the guardian of humanity’s future6;
THEN who monitors the exemplary, supra-supreme Trios of Patrons?

● What if all the impeccable Sovereigns (and all backup sovereigns—p.121) keep having irrepressible human nature (flesh?) attacks and flashbacks?

● How are individual GOGsters doing with their own attacks and flashbacks?

● As good as Weishaupt?7

● What if personal EM8 implants experience entropy?

● What if no one is safe atop the power pinnacle: e.g., explosive wannabes below; zappers above (like perhaps the zap that cracked the late Georgia Guidestones9?)?

● What happens if the GOG’s impregnable security-surveillance-safety systems encounter an unexpected [karmic?] CME?

● Do GOGsters still think deep underground military bases (DUMBS10) are a good idea?

● What if Karma doesn’t shift11? and the earth does!
See here12 (at the end) for the heads-down option!

1. Duke, Peter. Stealth Power and the Illusion of Democracy: Using AI to understand the Puppet Masters. Kindle Edition.
Rumble: Live with Peter Duke, author, "Stealth Power and the Illusion of Democracy" Dec. 13, 2023 (McDuff Lives | Dec 13, 2023 | Time 1:01:59 min) at https://rumble.com/v414jek-live-with-peter-duke-author-stealth-power-and-the-illusion-of-democracy-dec.html, or
YouTube: Live with Peter Duke, author, "Stealth Power and the Illusion of Democracy" Dec. 13, 2023 (McDuff Lives 3 | Dec 13, 2023 | Time 1:02:01 min) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Jg2bfCYWk
Video: #1 Radical Thought Leaders (TheDukeReport | Dec 5, 2023 | Time 1:20:50 min.) at https://rumble.com/v3zs74f-1-radical-thought-leaders.html
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corpus_callosum
3. Duke, Peter. Stealth Power and the Illusion of Democracy: Using AI to understand the Puppet Masters (Principle 24 -”The King of the World,” pp. 119-122) Kindle Edition.
4. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2014/02/niccolo-mockiavelli.html
5. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2015/03/rose-colored-specs.html
6. Duke, Peter. Stealth Power and the Illusion of Democracy: Using AI to understand the Puppet Masters (p. 122). Kindle Edition.
7. “Weishaupt was the founder in 1776. In 1778 the number of Members was considerably increased, and the Order was fully established. The Members took antique names. Thus Weishaupt took the name of Spartacus, the man who headed the insurrection of slaves, which in Pompey's time kept Rome in terror and“ uproar for three years. Zwack was called Cato. Knigge was Philo. Bassus was Hannibal. Hertel was Marius. Marquis Constanza was Diomedes. Nicholai, an eminent and learned bookseller in Berlin, and author of several works of reputation, took the name of Lucian, the great scoffer at all religion.” |  ROBISON, JOHN. Proofs of a Conspiracy: Against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies (p. 98). George Forman. Kindle Edition.
“Letter Spartacus [Weishaupt] to Marius [Hertel], September 1783.
"I am now in the most embarrassing situation; it robs me of all rest, and makes me unfit for every thing. I am in danger of losing at once my honor and my reputation, by which I have long had such influence. What think you--my sister-in-law is with child. I have sent her to Euriphon, and am endeavouring to procure a marriage-licence from Rome. How much depends on this uncertainty--and there is not a moment to lose. Should I fail, what is to be done? What a return do I make by this to a person to whom I am so much obliged! (we shall see the probable meaning of this exclamation by and by.) We have tried every method in our power to destroy the child; ...
Could you but help me out of this distress, you would give me life, honor, and peace, and strength to work again in the great cause. If you cannot, be assured I will venture on the most desperate stroke (poor sister!) for it is fixed.--I will not lose my honor. I cannot conceive what devil has made me to go astray--me who have always been so careful on such occasions. As yet all is quiet, and none know of it but you and Euriphon. Were it but time to undertake any thing--but alas! it is the fourth month. These damned priests too--for the action is so criminally accounted by them, and scandalises the blood. This makes the utmost efforts and the most desperate measures absolutely necessary." (Ibid., pp. 119-120; bold emphasis added).
8. EM - Take your pick: Elon Musk or Enhanced Memory | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk
Neuralink: "In 2016, Musk co-founded Neuralink, a neurotechnology startup company, with an investment of $100 million. ... Neuralink aims to integrate the human brain with artificial intelligence (AI) by creating devices that are embedded in the brain to facilitate its merging with machines. Such technology could enhance memory or allow the devices to communicate with software." 
10. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2016/02/dumbs.html
11. Karmic shift or dump: where those who perpetrate evil believe responsibility and consequence transfer to those who seeing, see not or hearing, hear not. “We told them. We showed them. They took no heed.” For an example, see https://dejavu-timestwo.blogspot.com/2019/08/not-everyone-is-learning-from-past.html. [Karma: “... Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and future suffering.”] | Also see, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karma This blame-shifting is also a self-evident characteristic of those who create harm or chaos but will not accept responsibility for their actions and the consequences. They are always the victim and bad karma lies with their perceived offender.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Pscience* at Work

[Repurposed | Recycled Pursuant to the Times]

Pscience*: the man in the middle. Name them pillars!

Joseph Morewood Staniforth | 1899

*Pscience: (as in pseudo-, psychopathic, psy-opic) also known as the aggressive repetition of belief and opinion or propaganda presented as science fact in support of power-gain-glory-control agendas.
See G.K. Chesterton: https://voices-from-the-dust.blogspot.com/2021/05/085-science-new-creed.html
See also: https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2011/09/some-scientific-truths-more-or-less.html

Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_Modern_Blind_Sampson_-_JM_Staniforth.png
File URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/be/A_Modern_Blind_Sampson_-_JM_Staniforth.png
Attribution: Joseph Morewood Staniforth, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Date: 14 February 1899
Source: http://papuraunewyddcymru.llgc.org.uk/en/page/view/3283108 Evening Express
Description: Political cartoon by JM Staniforth. A Ritualist clergyman, [2021 pscientist] blinded by his faith, threatens to bring down the pillars of the Church of England [but in 2021: Divine Rights and God-given freedoms]. Repurposed | Recycled Pursuant to the Times

Joseph Morewood Staniforth (better known as J.M. Staniforth) (1864 – 21 December 1921) was a Welsh editorial cartoonist best known for his work in the Western Mail, Evening Express and Sunday weekly the News of the World.[1] Staniforth has been described as "...the most important visual commentator on Welsh affairs ever to work in the country." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Morewood_Staniforth

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Thou Shalt Not See

Repurposed | Recycled Pursuant to the Times

Original artist: John Stern(?) circa 1910
Repurposed by SMS 2022/3 | War on Reality
(Extended now to all the WO narratives: Thou shalt not see.)

Image Info:
Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WeFightCartoon.jpg#filehistory
Description: "Leading Citizens want War and declare War; Citizens Who are Led fight the War" Anti war political cartoon, scanned from the book "War-- What For?" by George R. Kirkpatrick, 1910.
Date: [in or before 1910]
Source: from the book "War-- What For?" by George R. Kirkpatrick, 1910. Scanned by Infrogmation from original copy and uploaded to en:Wikipedia by him on 24 October, 2003.
Permission: Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=516761
Author: [John Stern(?)]

Repurposed by SMS 2022: added caption: "Germ Warfare ~ The Real Mask Mandates"
Originally repurposed and posted Jan. 13, 2022 at https://voices-from-the-dust.blogspot.com/2022/01/313-germ-warfare-real-mask-mandate.html

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

A Brief Q&A at the Club House in Rome

(with a nod to CS Lewis: The Screwtape Letters)

Q: Why is this cancel culture revolution taking so ______, _____ long?
A: We miscalculated the enemy's redundancy.

Q: Have you also miscalculated how short my ______ patience is?
A: No, no. It's just that the remaining 10% are so obtuse.

Q: NO. It is you who is obtuse. What have I said about democracy — about rights and freedoms?
A: They are our third best weapon after hate and fear.

Q: And how are you weaponizing rights and freedoms?
A: Just like you said: Pushing, confusing, inverting them past the point of absurdity.

Q: Then what?
A: Then everyone goes into fear and hate mode — into perfect confusion and chaos.

Q: Then what?
A: Then everyone cries out for a return to order — for a savior — for you.

Q: So what are you planning?
A: Brainstorm more absurdity. It's quite fun, you know — this mocking of democracy.

Q: Mocking democracy! Did you think that up yourself? I like the rhythm of it.
A. OH, NO, no. I don't think for myself. I'm pretty sure I first heard it from you.

Q: Yes, of course, undoubtedly. ... Anything else?
A: No, no. Not now. I'll show myself out.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Awake to Nwoke!

When one is awake to nwoke,1 brilliant ideas can burst full-bud in a matter of hours:

Fine. I'll do it. Introducing Jeremy's Chocolate.
(Daily Wire | March 3, 2023 | 49 sec.)
What corp doesn't deserve this comeuppance for kowtowing to SOD3 activists with their:
▪ appropriated, new “woke” (thus, nwoke) DEI-ology;
▪ global gas-lighting agenda;
▪ inversion and exclusion of diversity / equity / inclusion;
▪ deification of pretense;
▪ historical amnesia;
▪ hypocrisy;
▪ bullying; &
▪ tyranny.
Interesting that “progressive” in 2023 has become “regressive” of all the gains of every marginal group in the past century. Now SOD activists and their sycophants claim the right to censor, malign, and discriminate against any person or group that criticizes or questions their SOD narrative — their turning of all things upside down. Every soul who won't play their SOD game is fair game for destruction as they strew their victim cards along and in every parade route, sport venue, and media landscape.

Interesting, too, that the Greek verb dei stands for “must,” “has to,” “it is necessary” which is the bullying blow-horn of the new, gas-lit dogma: dei-ology. (Another appropriation?4) In the annals of history, every culture that embraced such narcissism soon went the way of die-ology.

Just a heads-up.

1. The phrase “stay woke” had emerged in AAVE [African-American Vernacular English] by the 1930s, in some contexts referring to an awareness of the social and political issues affecting African Americans (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke). SO:
   a) If woke began with good cause, has it now been appropriated, infiltrated, co-opted, and mutilated to its harm by narcissists and moles?
   b) If the original woke voice has been drowned in a flood of inverted woke, should the inverted woke not get a new, descriptive name, for example: nefarious warlocks of kowtow enforcement (nwoke), being those led by pretenders in and enforcers of make-believe narratives? Or maybe it could mean nuetered-woke.
    c) Could the intent of many “activists” and moles be to mock woke into a final state of rejection and oblivion? a final solution by the ideologues of World Order —WO?
2. https://www.jeremysrazors.com/collections/jeremys-chocolate
See also:
Her-She’s Gets Torched! (JP Reacts | March 10, 2023 | 11:25 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZid5fE5YPQ
Hershey - See the future she sees #HERFORSHE, International Women's Day (Canada, 2023) (Marketing The Rainbow | March 3, 2023 |30 sec.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH5AhTy7Vc0
3. SOD: self-obsessed diva / divo. Genuine dysphorics just want to live their lives without demanding that the world affirm, applaud, and pay bending homage to their choice. They wish to attend social, sports, or other functions in their chosen persona without fanfare and without the narcissistic need to have the entire event and all actors, athletes, and audience roll out the lavender carpet in spectacular welcome, which, by the way, violates every one of their trumpeted mantras: diversity, equity, inclusion. Where is the diversity and equity in excluding everyone who is not SOD in the special recognition and affirmation of their lifestyle? Where is the DEI in their vociferous demands for special privilege and exemption from criticism or challenge or hurt feelings?
4. https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/g1163/kjv/tr/0-1/
Found 101 times in the New Testament, the Greek verb “dei” meant “must,” “has to,” “it is necessary.” https://www.bumchecks.com/biblecommentary/2016/07/08/the-greek-word-dei/

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Quiz for the Self-Anointed

I can fly my private jet anywhere, without guilt, because:
  I am wealthy enough to buy carbon credits
  I donate millions to climate pscience*
  I know the real climate pscience facts
  My time is too valuable to fly Plebeian Air
□  I have friends in high places
□  On a clear day, I can see forever
I can ignore PHO* mandates because:
□  I simulated the pandemic panic, so I was not afraid
□  I know the plandemic facts
□  I have honorary doctorates
□  My immunity and impunity to many things is exceptional
□  I frequently fly above the plandemic to attend essential meetings
□  I have a non-religious exemption
□  I have fiends friends in high places
I am buying farm land everywhere to save the world because:
  there are too many cows, marginal farm families, and CO2 emitters
  we need to reduce the vacancy rate in high-rise Ghost cities
□  we need more room for pristine nature
  I like open spaces
  the current view from my private leer Lear is cluttered chaos
  I have a sufficient stash of meat jerkies in my DUMB* mansion
  My stash of jerky doesn't emit CO2
I am buying housing everywhere for the good of humanity because:
  every human and robot needs a place (out of inclement weather) to reside
  the futures for rentals are promising
  if the future for humans is less so, embodied AIs still need family space
  housing is a strong incentive for P3* staffers and retinue
  low-income housing is a strong motivator for perplexed Plebeians
I am pro-P3-crypto and e-money because:
  too many con-artists are in the econ-market
□  paper and coin transmit contagion
  e-funds keep track of purchases, including sugar/fat/salt/meat consumption
□  e-blocking can control unwise spending and thought
  P3-crypto can curb fake news, dis- and misinformation, and recalcitrance
□  e-wallets are less bulky and risky than back-packs of cash
I have sufficient authority to do what I do because:
□  I feel called to bring order-out-of-chaos
□  I feel authoritative
  I have honorary doctorates
□  I own the world's largest private jet and yacht (or know someone who does)
  I own a sports team (or know someone who does)
  I don't have to clear customs when I travel
  I am a direct descendant of someone important
□  I know the capos of (or own shares in) BlackRock and / or Vanguard
  I've been to Bohemian Grove (or its equivalent)
  I have perfect (or near perfect) FICO and SICO* scores
  I meditate daily on the nature of my being special
NB: If you ticked 6 or more boxes, purchase of an asbestos suit is recommended.

On the other hand ... (It's still extended!)
*Legend: If you are unfamiliar with any terms used herein, google or wiki or YT-search them; or use the search box on:
   https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/ (DV1)
   https://dejavu-timestwo.blogspot.com/ (DV2)
   https://moc-n-dox.blogspot.com/ (Moc)

DV1 has covered many of these topics:
   » BlackRock
   » Bohemian Grove
   » carbon credits
   » CO2
   » DUMB = Deep Underground Military Base
   » SICO = Socially Indexed Credit Obedient(+) or Offender(-) as each case may prove (search DV1 & Moc)
   » Ghost cities
   » P3 = Public Private Partnership
   » PHO = public health officials
   » plebeian
   » pscience = politicized science (search DV1)
   » Vanguard

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Phryte Journalism: A Sample Study

(A Branch of Yellow Journalism*)

Cartoon Repurposed | Recycled Pursuant to the Times***
Author: Daniel R. Fitzpatrick | 1919
Repurposed 2022 by SMS

Neophyte: 1) a beginner or novice; 2) a new convert : proselyte
Neophryte: a psy-oped, fear-infected neophyte

In some future year, in some future journalism class, some future student (awaking from a sleep of passivity) may decide to deep-mine some hidden archive of the 2020's decade in order to collate all the phryteful headlines that several Gen X, Y, Z neophrytes spent his/her/their masked and isolated hours crafting for the greater good of the world. Here is just a small sampling from the narrative-imprisoned CBC - 2020 to 2022 (bold emphasis added):
Lives are at stake — so why are some Canadians ignoring social distancing rules? (Mar 23, 2020)

Alberta to roll out contact-tracing app in battle against COVID-19 (Apr 23, 2020)

Purolator facility in Calgary linked to 30 confirmed cases of COVID-19 (May 4, 2020)

Community spread blamed for over half of Ontario's new COVID-19 cases, 'perplexing' top doctor: Friday's count of 477 new cases the highest in a week; province aiming for 20,000 tests a day (May 8, 2020)

Police report 2,200 home quarantine checks as Trudeau talks about stricter border measures (May 20, 2020)

COVID-19 infections skyrocket among troops deployed in long-term care homes (May 21, 2020)

▪ COVID-19 disinformation being spread by Russia, China, say experts (May 26, 2020)

▪ Disinformation surging online during pandemic, says Microsoft president: Brad Smith says the company is also seeing a rise in cyber attacks on hospitals (May 26, 2020)

▪ New StatsCan data reveals hundreds of 'excess' deaths in Canada amid pandemic (Jun 19, 2020)

▪ Asymptomatic COVID-19 findings dim hopes for 'herd immunity' and 'immunity passports' Antibodies few and short-lived, lung abnormalities found in asymptomatic carriers (Jun 28, 2020)

▪ COVID-19 conspiracy theories creating a 'public health crisis' in Canada, experts say (Aug 3, 2020)

Physical distancing, mask-wearing could be in place for 2-3 years even with vaccine, Tam warns: COVID-19 vaccine won't be a 'silver bullet,' chief public health officer says (Aug 4, 2020)

▪ Alberta physicians call for 'sharp' two-week lockdown to curb spread of COVID-19 Letter sent to premier and health minister warns of 'catastrophic' consequences without further restrictions (Nov 9, 2020)

As pandemic rages, Alberta now has 7,965 active cases of COVID-19 (Nov 9, 2020)

▪ 'A deep, dark sense of foreboding' as Alberta braces for surge of COVID-19 illness and death (Nov 24, 2020)

▪ Canada is 'playing chicken' with COVID-19 by reopening while variants are spreading widely (Feb 13, 2021)

Coronavirus variants are testing the limits of what we once thought was safe in Canada (Apr 10, 2021)

Race between vaccines and variants is back on as B.1.617 takes hold in Canada (June 5, 2021)

COVID-19 has 'spread like wildfire' through Kashechewan — and children are suffering most: Miller (Jun 16, 2021)

Pregnant Quebecers waiting to get COVID-19 vaccine are risking baby's life, doctors say (Jul 18, 2021)

Spike of unvaccinated pregnant women in COVID-19 ICUs concerning, says Calgary doctor: CBC News has confirmed that a pregnant woman in Alberta has died from COVID-19 (Sep 10, 2021)

COVID-19 during pregnancy means 10 times higher risk of ICU admission, Canadian data suggests (Sep 16, 2021)

Life and death: What critical-care triage could mean in Alberta ICUs: Premier Jason Kenney warned the acute-care system could be out of ICU beds and staff in 10 days (Sep 17, 2021)

A reality check on Alberta's path to the devastating 4th wave of COVID (Sep 15, 2021)

▪ Premier Jason Kenney implored to seek military backup as Alberta health-care system crumbles (Sep 19, 2021)

Alberta sees record number of ICU admissions as COVID-19 hospitalizations soar: Province reports 1,660 new cases, 17 additional deaths on Thursday (Sep 23, 2021)

Alberta reports 5,181 new cases of COVID-19 over past 3 days, 23 new deaths: Hospitalizations, ICU admissions continue to grow (Sep 27, 2021)

Albertans dying from COVID-19 at
more than three times the average Canadian rate: Province has one-tenth of Canada's population, almost half of active COVID-19 cases (Sep 28, 2021)

Sask. pregnant woman dies from COVID-19 in Edmonton after emergency C-section:Unvaccinated mother never regained consciousness to hold her newborn daughter, sister said (Oct 4, 2021)

Husband regrets anti-vaxx stance as wife lies in a coma 800 km from home: Dwayne Binette says rural alienation, online misinformation played roles in his 'wrong choice' (Oct 22, 2021)

Canada's top doctor encourages wearing masks as hospitals struggle with virus surges (Nov 10, 2022)

Canada is seeing an early rise in flu cases. Is a 'tidal wave' of infection coming? (Nov 11, 2022)

The Bank of Canada is warning Canadians to brace for a rough winter (Nov 12, 2022)

An inside look at the ER of Canada's largest pediatric hospital as RSV surges (Nov 18, 2022)
And what will this awakened journalism student discover in some future epiphany? The evidence will reveal how the legacy media (once known as the MSM) was owned and controlled (or corrupted) by the corrupted powers; that Legacy Media created and published most of the dis-, mis-, fake, and phryteful information as press- and pros-titutes for The Great Psy-op.

Yup, yellow journalism of “scare headlines, ... faked interviews, misleading headlines, pseudoscience, and a parade of false learning from so-called experts” will be the verdict.

In the meantime, let those who see the reality now, count and document the yellow miasmas; and maybe — just maybe — enough muckrakers will rise up to turn the tide back against the mounting flood of yellow press.** 

* Several relevant resources:
Yellow journalism and yellow press are American terms for journalism and associated newspapers that present little or no legitimate, well-researched news while instead using eye-catching headlines for increased sales.[1] Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion.[2]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_journalism (bold emphasis added)
Frank Luther Mott identifies yellow journalism based on five characteristics:[6]
   1. scare headlines in huge print, often of minor news
   2. lavish use of pictures, or imaginary drawings
   3. use of faked interviews, misleading headlines, pseudoscience, and a parade of false learning from so-called experts
   4. emphasis on full-color Sunday supplements, usually with comic strips
   5. dramatic sympathy with the "underdog" against the system.
Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their, m emotions otives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.
The purpose of United States psychological operations is to induce or reinforce behavior perceived to be favorable to U.S. objectives. They are an important part of the range of diplomatic, informational, military and economic activities available to the U.S. They can be utilized during both peacetime and conflict. There are three main types: strategic, operational and tactical. Strategic PSYOP include informational activities conducted by the U.S. government agencies outside of the military arena, though many utilize Department of Defense (DOD) assets. Operational PSYOP are conducted across the range of military operations, including during peacetime, in a defined operational area to promote the effectiveness of the joint force commander's (JFC) campaigns and strategies. Tactical PSYOP are conducted in the area assigned to a tactical commander across the range of military operations to support the tactical mission against opposing forces.


***Repurposed Cartoon Image:
Repurposed Jan. 2022 by SMS: 1) Words “U.S. Senate" on bed cover replaced with “Covid Neophryte”; 2) caption “Trotsky” replaced with “COVID”; 3) added “MSM Minute by Minute” above caption.
Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fitzgerald_Cartoon.png
File URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Fitzgerald_Cartoon.png
Attribution: Daniel R. Fitzpatrick, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Description: Trotsky'll Get You If You Don't Watch Out!
Date: 6 February 1919
Source: Murray, Robert K. (2009). Red Scare: A Study in National Hysteria, 1919-1920. U of Minnesota Press. ISBN 0816658331 page 96
Permission: This media file is in the public domain in the United States. This applies to U.S. works where the copyright has expired, often because its first publication occurred prior to January 1, 1926, and if not then due to lack of notice or renewal.
Author:& Daniel R. Fitzpatrick (1891 – 1969 AD)
Daniel Robert Fitzpatrick (March 5, 1891 – May 18, 1969) was a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and an editorial cartoonist for the St. Louis Dispatch from 1913 to 1958.[1]
Fitzpatrick was born in Superior, Wisconsin. He studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. From 1911 to 1912 he worked as a staff artist and cartoonist at the Chicago Daily News. Joining the St. Louis Post Dispatch in 1913, Fitzpatrick served as its editorial cartoonist until 1958.[2]
His work and actions received criticism. In 1940 the cartoonist and several other Post Dispatch staff members were cited with contempt of court because they criticized the dismissal of an extortion suit against a State Representative. Fitzpatrick received a ten-day sentence and a $100 fine
.[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_R._Fitzpatrick

Monday, August 22, 2022

Uknown / Unexplained*!!

(or: Pscience** in Action?)

Apparently, for the first time in Alberta history of recording and reporting causes of death, the cause termed “unknown / unexplained” tops the list of “causes” for the period beginning Fall 2021; which, strangely, is the same period when a windfall, experimental, pharma remedy was (and still is) being forced upon the populous; the same pharma industry that has been fined billions for deception and illegal practices1; the same time that questioners about the remedy were / are losing their jobs or medical licenses or being maligned for asking those questions; and the same time that adverse reactions to the remedy are piling up in sport venues, hospitals, and morgues.

Here is comedian JPSears take on the mystery:

UNKNOWN Cause of Death? Our Latest Propaganda!
(AwakenwithJP |  Aug 20, 2022 | Time 9:12 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F74iqEJnb14&t=438s
Does “unknown / unexplained” not seem highly strange, considering past confessions by authorities of the rush to blame every possible or impossible death on COVID? Has COVID fallen off the blame radar? How long before a new, virulent strain of influenza (with its requisite remedy) will be ready to distract and accept blame?

*Various Reports and Opinions:
- https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/deaths-with-unknown-causes-now-alberta-s-top-killer-province-1.5975536
**Pscience is the corrupted offshoot of honorable Science. Pscience is the inevitable consequence of man's obsessive pursuit and protection of power, gain, glory, and domination. Pscience is pseudo, psychopathic, propagandizing, plagiarizing, psy-opic, and above all, profit-obsessed, and profit-driven. This obsessive pursuit and protection by people without conscience is often enabled by naïve, trusting, or fear-filled acolytes and servitors. Pscience is a one-faith, one-dogma, heretic-fearing, self-deceiving, other-censoring system.

1. https://moc-n-dox.blogspot.com/2021/11/trust-us-honest.html

Monday, July 4, 2022

Re-Cycling & the Swim Suit Issue!

Pretty much exposes the issue, eh?

Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record
(The Babylon Bee | Time 5:25 min) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipvesqJP1e4
Bonus Material:
https://babylonbee.com/news/motorcycle-that-identifies-as-bicycle-sets-world-cycling-record https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBabylonBee/videos

Stretch Fabric
- One Size fits ALL!! -
Image Source
Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Swim_suit.jpg
Attribution: MoMu - Fashion Museum Antwerp, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Artist: David Ring
Date 2014
Credit Line: Drawing made by David Ring for the Europeana Fashion project (www.europeanafashion.eu). The drawing was commissioned to represent a concept in Europeana Fashion’s visual fashion thesaurus which was developed under the coordination of the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels. David Ring created the drawings in the library of MoMu – Fashion Museum Province of Antwerp and this is also where they are currently kept.
Permission: This drawing is labelled CC0. You are not obliged to, but we do appreciate it when you mention the artist, Europeana Fashion and link back to the original file on Wikimedia Commons. For more information, please contact communication@europeanafashion.eu
This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.
The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of their rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Gaslighting* the Gaslighters

Here is a classic gaslight of a gaslight. What could the school powers possibly say so as not to offend or discriminate against this father's “lizard” daughter? How to hold true to the “new normal” of “identify as” in the face of such sincerity and family loyalty? How to respond publicly and politically correct (even to a possible spoof??!!) when some other school board has already accommodated children identifying as cats or dogs1 or when teacher sensitivity means being willing to speak the language of “meow, meow”?2

My daughter identifies as a Lizard
(Alex Stein | Jan 24, 2022 | Time 2:07) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ricRQzCkpCc
Other gaslighting scenes: https://www.youtube.com/c/AlexStein99/videos
* Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as making someone question their own reality.
The term may also be used to describe a person (a "gaslighter") who presents a false narrative to another group or person which leads them to doubt their perceptions and become misled (generally for the gaslighter's own benefit), disoriented or distressed. Generally, this dynamic is possible only when the audience is vulnerable, such as in unequal power relationships, or when the audience is fearful of the losses associated with challenging the false narrative. Gaslighting is not necessarily malicious or intentional, although in some cases it is. |  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting

1. Kentucky school district: Students are dressing and acting like cats https://www.wlwt.com/article/meade-school-district-students-are-dressing-and-acting-like-cats/37398744
2. School [Sub] Teacher says she was fired for not 'meowing' back at student who identifies as a cat (PatriotClips | Jan 15, 2022 | Time 1:24 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyrBqLWJb-A

Friday, February 18, 2022

The WEF School of World Coups

How to Grease a Coup in Nine Easy Steps:
1. discover young, aspiring, idealistic, trusting intellectuals worldwide;
2. help them identify as gifted, chosen insiders of a genius agenda for World Order (WO);
3. tutor the young elites – called Young Global Leaders (YGLs1), but hereafter called yelites; – and immerse them in Utopian notions of how to save a dying, chaotic, human-abused planet;
4. use Pavlovian, Watsonian, Milgramian, Bernaysian, (etc., etc,) science mixed in with pscience2 and enhanced with authoritarian psychopathy – the psychopathy being essential to quash “moral injury”3 with moral justification!);
5. send the psy-oped grad yelites out into a psy-oped world;
6. finance the yelites rapid elevation to positions of power and influence;
7. flood the yelites and entrenched alumni with talking points, privilege, and uncommon psense;
8. flood the sheeple with gaslighting and gaming;
9. jubilate as the new-normal servitude mirrors the old normal slavery with a technified super-booster.
If you are curious about who your up-and-coming yelites are, search here.4

If you want to see a yelite in action, watch Canada's Chrystia Freeland5 (another name irony from the Gods??? plus more face weather6).

NB: This is one of those PSRS projects:
Problem: not enough servitors of the Utopian Empire
Set-Up: surveil, vet, recruit, tutor, disperse, script, finance
Reaction: election and / or appointment of yelites to positions of public and private power and influence
Solution: gifted, gullible script-readers and train-bearers for the Emperor / Empress.
1. https://www.younggloballeaders.org/new-class
2. Pscience is the corrupted offshoot of honourable Science – pscience being the inevitable consequence of man's obsessive pursuit and protection of power, gain, glory, and domination; being pseudo, politicized, psychopathic, propagandizing, plagiarizing, psy-opic, and above all, profit-obsessed, and profit-driven. This obsessive pursuit and protection by people without conscience is often enabled by naïve, trusting, or fear-filled acolytes and servitors. Pscience is a one-faith, one-dogma, heretic-fearing, self-deceiving, other-censoring system.
3. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2020/12/moral-injury.html
4. https://www.weforum.org/people/justin-trudeau
5. "Follow the money," Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland says (Toronto Star | Feb 14, 2022 | 3:06 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti7LryfAiF4
Chrystia Freeland: https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Freeland&x=11&y=2&status=&class_year=&sector=&region=#results
6. Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland Laughs While Confirming Freezing the Assets of Freedom Convoy Supporters (steady delta | Feb 17, 2022 | Time 1:21 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlM3NNHhk9I | Yes, face-weather again. That's one thing they just can't seem to control despite rigorous training. | https://moc-n-dox.blogspot.com/2020/12/reading-face-weather.html

Image Info:
William Heath Robinson (31 May 1872 – 13 September 1944) was an English cartoonist, illustrator and artist, best known for drawings of whimsically elaborate machines to achieve simple objectives. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._Heath_Robinson
Repurposed by SMS 2022 | "In Training" replaced "Training the Bride's Train Bearers"
Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:William_Heath_Robinson_Inventions_-_Page_135.png
File URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/06/William_Heath_Robinson_Inventions_-_Page_135.png
Attribution: William Heath Robinson, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Description: William Heath Robinson Inventions - Training the Bride's Train Bearers
Date: [?]
Source: From the Book: William Heath Robinson Inventions
Permission: This work is in the public domain in its country of origin (Unite States) and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 70 years or fewer.
Author: William Heath Robinson 1872-1944

Saturday, January 22, 2022

How to Spot a Script Reader

Watch | Listen:

"Build Back Better" Compilation - "The Great Reset" Montage
(Georgio1 |  Dec 19, 2020 | Time 1:53 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkcaeaD45MY

(Or see also: 'Build Back Better': Who said the catchphrase first? (The Telegraph | Feb 19, 2021 | Time 1:26 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oST_5nzU3NE )
DEEP GLOBAL Consortium?
Image Info*

More scripts readers | Left & Right:
Scripted Journalists (Media) All Saying the Same Thing – Compilation1
The current flock of script readers / copyists are those reporting (fomenting?) rage against the unvaccinated, such as:
Public outrage over the unvaccinated is driving a crisis in bioethics: Pandemic brings 'unprecedented disagreements' among doctors over how to triage those who refused the shot2
Web search 'anger unvaccinated' to retrieve the latest scapegoat, psy-op copying.3

So the trillion dollar question: If the alleged top-rung are reading scripts, WHO4 is writing them?

1. (Wayne Gerald | Sept. 26, 2019 | 11:02 min.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yshJn7lgVsY
Plus other channel offerings:
• Pulling strings: Sinclair Broadcast's 'fake news' scandal | The Listening Post (Al Jazeera English | Apr 10, 2018 | Time 8:03 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN9KAFn1hy8
• Viral video raises worry over Sinclair's political messaging inside local news (PBS Newshour | Apr 2, 2018) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwA4k0E51Oo•
2. Evan Dyer · CBC News · Posted: Jan 22, 2022 | https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/pandemic-covid-vaccine-triage-omicron-1.6319844?ref=mobilerss&cmp=newsletter_CBC%20News%20Top%20Headlines%20%20%E2%80%93%20Morning_1613_396120
3. Here are a few more from the recent past:
• France's Macron Vows To 'Piss Off' Unvaccinated With New Restrictions by Robert Hart | Forbes Online | Jan 5, 2022 | https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2022/01/05/frances-macron-stokes-outrage-after-vowing-to-anger-unvaccinated-with-tough-new-restrictions/?sh=68185ec62c0f
• As COVID patients pack Colorado hospitals, anger grows against the unvaccinated by John Daley | December 14, 2021 | https://www.npr.org/2021/12/14/1064011230/as-unvaccinated-covid-19-patients-pack-colorado-hospitals-anger-grows
• As COVID Resurges, Vaccinated Americans Rage Against Holdouts By Nick Tate | WebMD | Aug. 10, 2021 | https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210810/covid-resurges-vaccinated-americans-rage-against-holdouts
• I’m Furious at the Unvaccinated | OPINION CHARLES M. BLOW | The New York Times | Dec. 8, 2021 | https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/08/opinion/unvaccinated-people-anti-vaxxers.html
• AGAR: Why I'm still angry at the unvaccinated | Jerry Agar | The Toronto Sun | Dec 13, 2021 | https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/agar-why-im-still-angry-at-the-unvaccinated
• Canadians are 'angry' with the unvaccinated: Trudeau | Rachel Aiello |CTVNews.ca Online Politics | January 5, 2022 | https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/canadians-are-angry-with-the-unvaccinated-trudeau-1.5728855
4. Probably not the UN WHO but some hidden W

*Image Info:
Attribution: [unknown], Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Hawaiian gazette, March 15, 1901, Page 8
Date: 15 March 1901
Source: Chronicling America http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/
Permission: Public Domain
Author: [Yardley] unknown
Original Art: 1901 | Repurposed by SMS 2022 (See full cartoon at https://voices-from-the-dust.blogspot.com/2022/01/320-deep-global.html )