“It has taken us centuries of thought and mockery to shake the medieval system; thought and mockery here and now are required to prevent the mechanists [technocrats] from building another.”

Dora Russell,* The Right to Be Happy (1927), preface. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Mockery (*see sidebar)

Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts

Friday, December 20, 2024

A Canadian “In Vino Veritas”* Q&A


During and after the December 17, 2024 Liberal Holiday Caucus party (where food and Canadian wines1 flow freely), a few die-hard reporters manage to scrum three caucus VVIPs before security ends the questioning:
Q: Mr. LeBlanc,2 after MP and PM remarks of short hours ago, how can you say your Liberal party is united as you claim?
A: Well, let me say, I know I said yes, yesterday, or maybe the day before, but the truth is No, we’re not united, except when we must vote to keep our jobs and augment our pensions. The truth is, quite a bunch desperately want the PM gone, but we gotta hang on till our ominous, ... I mean, omnibus Bill C633 gets passed, cause you know: how else during the inevitable coming campaign are we gonna censor and prosecute all the hate speech against us for the past nine years? Besides that ...
(Jolène Richard interrupts: “Sorry Ms Reporter, but Dom and I gotta go. Other commitments, you know.”)
Q: Ms Freeland, Ms Freeland,4 are you intending to run for PM, when ...?
A: Of course, I am. I was the one running most everything anyway. At least, Klaus and I were and we have great plans for Canadians in the coming Wo...
(Graham Bowley interrupts: “Sorry Ezra, but it’s past our son’s bedtime. We need to get him home. School tomorrow, you know.”)
Q: Ms Gould, Ms Gould,5 who gave you the orders to table the Fall Economic Statement and then vanish6? And secondly, what do you say to the charge that your vanishing act was in contempt of duties to the House? ... Ms Gould ... MS GOULD ... (as she vanishes through a nearby door).
(Security appears through the Gould door: “As a point of order, there shall be no more questioning of ministers. This is a loyal-to-the-Liberal-family-only7 party.”)
So, what do we do, good Canadians, with this impasse of power and privilege obsession? What do we do when corruption after corruption, scandal after scandal are exposed and nothing done — no consequence?

At the least, let us remember every MP (Left, Right, Middle, or Far) who voted against constitutional rights and freedoms during COVID; who currently ignores or denies the exposed corruptions and scandals; or who denigrates or inverts long-standing Canadian values and culture. Then let us, at the ballot box remove their power. Let us also remember with our ballot every MP of integrity. Let us be forever vocal and involved.

* “In vino veritas is a Latin phrase that means 'in wine, there is truth', suggesting a person under the influence of alcohol is more likely to speak their hidden thoughts and desires. The phrase is sometimes continued as, in vīnō vēritās, in aquā sānitās, 'in wine there is truth, in water there is good sense (or good health)'. Similar phrases exist across cultures and languages.” | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_vino_veritas

1. Canadian wine: https://www.cbc.ca/lite/story/1.7414053
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominic_LeBlanc
3. The Online Harms Act (French: Loi sur les préjudices en ligne), commonly known as Bill C-63 or the Online Harms Bill, is a bill introduced in the 44th Canadian Parliament. ... /
The Act would create a new duty of care of large social media platforms, requiring them to take action against "harmful" content such as hate speech; extremism and terrorism; child bullying, self-harm, and sexual abuse; and intimate content shared without consent. They would also be required to employ age-appropriate design features when the platform is used by a minor. The Act would establish a federal Digital Safety Commission and Digital Safety Office to enforce its provisions. | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_Harms_Act
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrystia_Freeland
(Paragraph 2 of https://www.cbc.ca/lite/story/1.7414053 mentions that Freeland's son attended with her and her husband)
5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karina_Gould
6. “Drop off drive-by”: Liberals criticized for quickly tabling Fall Economic Statement, then leaving (Global News | Dec 16, 2024 | 9:55 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1XM7BkkV_Y
7. Just a family squabble: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzoezR8DGAQ

Saturday, February 24, 2024

More Jesters to the Rescue

When the BEE stings:

Man In Critical Condition After Hearing Slightly Different Viewpoint
(The Babylon Bee | Feb 23, 2024 | Time 4:15 min.) at
See also: https://babylonbee.com/video/man-in-critical-condition-after-hearing-slightly-different-viewpoint
the BEE Gets Us,* too!

* 'He Gets Us' Super Bowl Ad Sparks Viral Debate About Jesus
(CBN News | Feb 13, 2024 | Time 4:41 min.) at

Monday, November 13, 2023

“The State of Modern Medicine”?

Getting Dumber and Weaker by the Day [with Tyler Fischer]
(AwakenwithJP | Nov 11, 2023 | Time 6:54 min.) at
Are we waking up?

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Awake to Nwoke!

When one is awake to nwoke,1 brilliant ideas can burst full-bud in a matter of hours:

Fine. I'll do it. Introducing Jeremy's Chocolate.
(Daily Wire | March 3, 2023 | 49 sec.)
What corp doesn't deserve this comeuppance for kowtowing to SOD3 activists with their:
▪ appropriated, new “woke” (thus, nwoke) DEI-ology;
▪ global gas-lighting agenda;
▪ inversion and exclusion of diversity / equity / inclusion;
▪ deification of pretense;
▪ historical amnesia;
▪ hypocrisy;
▪ bullying; &
▪ tyranny.
Interesting that “progressive” in 2023 has become “regressive” of all the gains of every marginal group in the past century. Now SOD activists and their sycophants claim the right to censor, malign, and discriminate against any person or group that criticizes or questions their SOD narrative — their turning of all things upside down. Every soul who won't play their SOD game is fair game for destruction as they strew their victim cards along and in every parade route, sport venue, and media landscape.

Interesting, too, that the Greek verb dei stands for “must,” “has to,” “it is necessary” which is the bullying blow-horn of the new, gas-lit dogma: dei-ology. (Another appropriation?4) In the annals of history, every culture that embraced such narcissism soon went the way of die-ology.

Just a heads-up.

1. The phrase “stay woke” had emerged in AAVE [African-American Vernacular English] by the 1930s, in some contexts referring to an awareness of the social and political issues affecting African Americans (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke). SO:
   a) If woke began with good cause, has it now been appropriated, infiltrated, co-opted, and mutilated to its harm by narcissists and moles?
   b) If the original woke voice has been drowned in a flood of inverted woke, should the inverted woke not get a new, descriptive name, for example: nefarious warlocks of kowtow enforcement (nwoke), being those led by pretenders in and enforcers of make-believe narratives? Or maybe it could mean nuetered-woke.
    c) Could the intent of many “activists” and moles be to mock woke into a final state of rejection and oblivion? a final solution by the ideologues of World Order —WO?
2. https://www.jeremysrazors.com/collections/jeremys-chocolate
See also:
Her-She’s Gets Torched! (JP Reacts | March 10, 2023 | 11:25 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZid5fE5YPQ
Hershey - See the future she sees #HERFORSHE, International Women's Day (Canada, 2023) (Marketing The Rainbow | March 3, 2023 |30 sec.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH5AhTy7Vc0
3. SOD: self-obsessed diva / divo. Genuine dysphorics just want to live their lives without demanding that the world affirm, applaud, and pay bending homage to their choice. They wish to attend social, sports, or other functions in their chosen persona without fanfare and without the narcissistic need to have the entire event and all actors, athletes, and audience roll out the lavender carpet in spectacular welcome, which, by the way, violates every one of their trumpeted mantras: diversity, equity, inclusion. Where is the diversity and equity in excluding everyone who is not SOD in the special recognition and affirmation of their lifestyle? Where is the DEI in their vociferous demands for special privilege and exemption from criticism or challenge or hurt feelings?
4. https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/g1163/kjv/tr/0-1/
Found 101 times in the New Testament, the Greek verb “dei” meant “must,” “has to,” “it is necessary.” https://www.bumchecks.com/biblecommentary/2016/07/08/the-greek-word-dei/

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Quiz for the Self-Anointed

I can fly my private jet anywhere, without guilt, because:
  I am wealthy enough to buy carbon credits
  I donate millions to climate pscience*
  I know the real climate pscience facts
  My time is too valuable to fly Plebeian Air
□  I have friends in high places
□  On a clear day, I can see forever
I can ignore PHO* mandates because:
□  I simulated the pandemic panic, so I was not afraid
□  I know the plandemic facts
□  I have honorary doctorates
□  My immunity and impunity to many things is exceptional
□  I frequently fly above the plandemic to attend essential meetings
□  I have a non-religious exemption
□  I have fiends friends in high places
I am buying farm land everywhere to save the world because:
  there are too many cows, marginal farm families, and CO2 emitters
  we need to reduce the vacancy rate in high-rise Ghost cities
□  we need more room for pristine nature
  I like open spaces
  the current view from my private leer Lear is cluttered chaos
  I have a sufficient stash of meat jerkies in my DUMB* mansion
  My stash of jerky doesn't emit CO2
I am buying housing everywhere for the good of humanity because:
  every human and robot needs a place (out of inclement weather) to reside
  the futures for rentals are promising
  if the future for humans is less so, embodied AIs still need family space
  housing is a strong incentive for P3* staffers and retinue
  low-income housing is a strong motivator for perplexed Plebeians
I am pro-P3-crypto and e-money because:
  too many con-artists are in the econ-market
□  paper and coin transmit contagion
  e-funds keep track of purchases, including sugar/fat/salt/meat consumption
□  e-blocking can control unwise spending and thought
  P3-crypto can curb fake news, dis- and misinformation, and recalcitrance
□  e-wallets are less bulky and risky than back-packs of cash
I have sufficient authority to do what I do because:
□  I feel called to bring order-out-of-chaos
□  I feel authoritative
  I have honorary doctorates
□  I own the world's largest private jet and yacht (or know someone who does)
  I own a sports team (or know someone who does)
  I don't have to clear customs when I travel
  I am a direct descendant of someone important
□  I know the capos of (or own shares in) BlackRock and / or Vanguard
  I've been to Bohemian Grove (or its equivalent)
  I have perfect (or near perfect) FICO and SICO* scores
  I meditate daily on the nature of my being special
NB: If you ticked 6 or more boxes, purchase of an asbestos suit is recommended.

On the other hand ... (It's still extended!)
*Legend: If you are unfamiliar with any terms used herein, google or wiki or YT-search them; or use the search box on:
   https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/ (DV1)
   https://dejavu-timestwo.blogspot.com/ (DV2)
   https://moc-n-dox.blogspot.com/ (Moc)

DV1 has covered many of these topics:
   » BlackRock
   » Bohemian Grove
   » carbon credits
   » CO2
   » DUMB = Deep Underground Military Base
   » SICO = Socially Indexed Credit Obedient(+) or Offender(-) as each case may prove (search DV1 & Moc)
   » Ghost cities
   » P3 = Public Private Partnership
   » PHO = public health officials
   » plebeian
   » pscience = politicized science (search DV1)
   » Vanguard

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok

A precise device
to measure ... ?
An ode to media & social-media addiction
(with apologies to Mother Goose)
by SMSmith - Nov. 12, 2022

Reflection Questions: Regardless of age, which generation am I manifesting? Can I admit any degree of addiction?

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok
The terrible twos know naught of clocks
Yet the clock struck one hour
“Waaaaaa! waaant! gimme! me, me! MY fun!”
Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok
The preschooler never ponders on clocks
Yet the clock struck two hours
"NOOOOO, NO! I'm not through!"
Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok
The tween* blocks out all clocks
Yet the clock struck three hours
“NO way; it's not three; I demand you agree!”
Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok
The teen* snapchats 'n surfs 'round the clock
Till the clock struck four hours
“Pleeeaase! just 10 [meaning endless] minutes more!”
Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok
Gen Alpha* pretends there's no clock
Yet the clock struck five hours
“Hey, child! Ya gotta eat to survive!”
Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok
Gen Z* [sans reality therapy] plots to upend the old clock
But the clock struck six hours
“WAIT! WAIT! I'm still posting my surreal pics.”
Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok
Gen Y* tweets 'round the clock
As the clock struck seven hours
“Hang on! I'll be done here by eleven!”
Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok
Gen X* stresses to push back the clock
Yet the clock struck eight hours
“O, bucket list! It's getting so late!”
Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok
B-Boomer* starts fearing the clock
Yet the clock struck nine
“Where, in this weird web, are those gran-kids of mine?!”
Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok
Silent Gen* stands shocked by the clock
As the clock struck ten
“Can scarce tell the diff between women 'n men!!”
Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok
G.I. Gen* wistfully watches the clock
Till the clock struck eleven
“Hope we get more visits in heaven!”
Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok

Hickory Dickory Dock TikTok
Lost Gen* — long gone from this mortal clock —
YET the clock struck twelve
Where suddenly the "lost" might find themselves
Revived and alive!
Hickory Dickory Dock
Without the TikTok.

For some TikTok background see: https://dejavu-timestwo.blogspot.com/2022/11/deja-vu-doctrine-of-balaam-doctrine-of.html

* Tween: a child between the ages of approximately eight and twelve: (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/tween)
* Teen: a young person between 13 and 19 years old: (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/teenager)
Generations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation
* Gen Alpha - (as of 2022, ages birth to 9) the generation succeeding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media typically use the early 2010s [2013?] as starting birth years and the mid-2020s as ending birth years.
* Gen Z - (as of 2022, ages 10 to 25) colloquially as "Zoomers"; spanning from 1997 to 2012.
* Gen Y - (as of 2022, ages 26-41); aka Millennials, typically defined as those born from 1981 to 1996.
* Gen X - (as of 2022, ages 42-57) the cohort following the baby boomers; generally born between 1965 and 1980.
* Baby Boomers - (as of 2022, ages 58-76) those born following World War II from 1946 to 1964.
* Silent Generation - (as of 2022, ages 77-94)also known as the "Lucky Few", is the cohort who came of age in the pre–World War II era; born from 1928 to 1945.
* G.I. Generation - (as of 2022, ages 95-121) aka, the Greatest Generation, includes the veterans who fought in World War II; born from 1901 to 1927.
* Lost Generation - (as of 2022, would be ages 122-139) also known as the "Generation of 1914"; born from 1883 to 1900 who came of age during World War I and the Roaring Twenties.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Jesters to the Rescue?

State With No Electricity Orders Everyone To Drive Electric Cars
(The Babylon Bee[1] | Oct. 20, 2022 | Time: 3:35 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80qsbhU66HQ

Spelling Bee Contestant Asks The Definition of “Woman”
(The Babylon Bee” | 2022 | Time 3:19 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mnQTzhVgl8

Clarifying questions to the Woke:
1) If woke2 began with good cause, has it now been appropriated, infiltrated, co-opted, and mutilated to its harm by narcissists and moles?
2) Has the original woke voice been drowned in a flood of inverted woke led by nefarious warlocks of kowtow enforcement (nwoke)? led by pretenders in make-believe3 narratives?
3) Is the intent of many “activists” and moles to mock woke into a final state of rejection and oblivion? a final solution by the ideologues of World Order —WO?
4) Is that why jesters4 of extremism, hypocrisy, and make-believe are being censored5? because mockers and inverters of good cannot tolerate being mocked in return?
1. https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBabylonBee/videos
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke
3. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2022/07/understanding-make-believe.htm
4, See also:
- AwakenwithJP: https://www.youtube.com/user/AwakenWithJP/videos
- Alex Stein: https://www.youtube.com/c/AlexStein99/videos
- Tyler Fischer: https://www.youtube.com/c/tylerfischercomedy/videos
- and many others
Note: posting a link to one set of views or insights does not automatically include affirmation or agreement with all other views, insights, styles of presentation, or language choices? Despite nwoke dogma, people can agree and disagree on a variety of issues, ideas, beliefs, and styles. Life is not all black or white; all or nothing; all likes and affirmations. Compelling likes or affirmation is make-believe!
5. Big Tech Is Censoring Comedy... Again! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_58nOIe8cQ&t=231s