It has taken us centuries of thought and mockery to shake the medieval system; thought and mockery here and now are required to prevent the mechanists [technocrats] from building another.

Dora Russell,* The Right to Be Happy (1927), preface. (*see sidebar)

Showing posts with label R&D. Show all posts
Showing posts with label R&D. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

True Colors ~ D?

GOP Red posted yesterday
Democrat Blues: Confessions & Lamentations of “The Unknown Democrat” 
(:Summaries from various encounters at Democrats Anonymous in undisclosed USian locations:) 
(first published April 5, 2009 at Déjà Vu ~ Times*; so little has changed!)

Unfortunately, too many Democrats seem confused by the media’s “blue” labeling. Historically, USian Democrats have been closer to the theoretical left, which is not conservative (or big-business) blue. However, by this same twist-of-color, those Dem political rivals appear even more disoriented by their “red” label. They continue to proclaim true-blue conservative (plus b-b) values but have taken to furtive, authoritarian tactics and strategies. This GOP  dualism should be a huge Democrat advantage. Why it isn’t, is probably attributable to the USian monocle.
Unfortunately, even though Dems stump for the poor and needy, labor and small business, the middle class, and mother-earth, the reality is: big-business is more present, persistent, visible, and donation / perk-oriented, so Dems can’t always financially justify what is proclaimed or preferred.
Unfortunately, Dems would prefer to always honor the constitutional checks and balances, but executive orders and an imperialistic presidency (expanded by predecessors) are too useful and efficient to disregard.
Unfortunately, b-b lobbying is a fact of political life that pays personal and family dividends, both now and in the future.
Unfortunately, since the revolving door between business and government is too lucrative to bypass, exceptions, exemptions, etc. must be made to lobbyist-free commitments in order to re-access best, compromised experts for public service. This can make for public relations problems, but there is some consolation in the general shortness of USian memory and the abundance and frequency of their distractions.
Unfortunately, nearly every qualified candidate for elected or appointed office will experience moral-, tax-, or nanny-challenge in USian hyper-vetted, public-service contests, so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, young Democrats, keep your nose, hands (yea, your entire portfolio) CLEAN for future service to your party and country.
▪ Unfortunately, too many businesses have become so big, pervasive, and interconnected that they cannot be allowed to fail; therefore prudent government must periodically step in to halt credit and capital free-falls in order to save the world from capital follies. It is regrettable that labor, small business, the average Joneses, the poor, and the common good** suffer disproportionately in these recurrent meltdowns. Dems would it were otherwise.
Unfortunately, bail-outs, stimuli, and deficit spending often reward the unwise, imprudent, corrupt, greedy, and capital-elites; not to mention mortgaging the vast, uncertain future — which Dems try not to talk about; but from one POV, if NOW implodes, there may be no future to worry about!
Unfortunately, big-business can cancel its pension, health-insurance, and contract obligations with past and present employees when restructuring; however, present government is limited in the adjustments it can make to CEO / management salaries and bonuses when bailing-out or resuscitating. On the brighter side, this may result in less GOP censure for offending The Myths of Big-Business, and also be less subject to campaign blowback by big-donors.
Unfortunately, despite Dem beliefs that laissez-faire economics should be less laissez and more fair; that regulations and taxation have purpose; that environment matters; that USians can be an inclusive, imaginative people; and that there are good alternatives to every bad idea; Dems are still mired up to the wallet-pocket in status quo. (Sorry, folks! is the Dem prevailing sentiment.)
Unfortunately, those persistent Dem political rivals are predisposed to repetitive leaps, generalizations, and mislabelings (e.g., calling Dems socialists, communists, Marxists, traitors, treasonists, “aiders and abettors,” wimps, crazies, scary, etc., etc.), which is targeted to electability and to make Dems think they must support regrettable authoritarian measures to avoid being labeled or seen as “unpatriotic” or “soft-on-terrorists.”
Unfortunately, sometimes it works.
Thus, unfortunately, Dems have, too often, been in the Congressional minority. Therefore, try to push through as much as possible when in the majority. Try not to be discouraged when in the minority. Try not to resort to neo-Con-Rovian strategies (unless necessary). And try to get elected somewhere other than Minnesota!***

**i.e., the general welfare provision? of the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution
*** Al Franken 'thrilled' after court declares his Senate victory (June 30, 2009, eight months after the November 4, 2008 election. See | )

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

True Colors ~ R?

Democrat Blues coming tomorrow

Neo-Republican* Redbook** (Ideological & Practical Samplings)

*sometimes known as: Neo-Cons
**Redbook : Not to be confused with other Red books.
 (first published March 27, 2009 at Déjà Vu ~ Times***: so little has changed!) 
  • Advertizing: the art of manufacturing desire and producing dissatisfaction, envy, and so forth, all in the greater cause of economic growth and free-market capitalism. A pillar of democracy.
  • American Covert Operations: secret interventions to promote democratic values and thwart anti-capitalists / anti-corporatists. These are necessarily secret to minimize the loss of American lives, values, and image.
  • Capital Facts: greed is good; selfishness is a virtue; paper and property have real and speculative value; and God is a free-market capitalist. (Cautionary note: His rhetoric can be deceptively regulatory, but do not be deceived. See Common Good.)
  • CEO Compensation: a means to confer and / or acknowledge prestige and power. Preferably attached to knowledge, expertise, and competence, but not essential. A fundamental of competition. Not to be confused with Efficiency or maximizing profit or Conquest & Plunder.
  • Common Good: A subtle, emotive phrase that is leftist code for Socialism and its more evil sibling.
  • Conquest & Plunder: the most efficient means of acquiring wealth and power. (See Efficiency.) Not to be confused with acquisitions & mergers, takeovers, British Empire (et al.), globalization, Haliburton, Charles Keating, CEO Compensation, Enron, Dot-coms, Abramoff, business subsidies / bailouts, American Covert Operations, and so forth.
  • Cooperation vs. Competition: cooperation was a Neanderthal necessity, but competition is the name of the greater game where the manufacture of desire (see Advertizing) supplies the demand for manufactured goods.
  • Depression: rare, commonly recurring, mysterious market-system failure characterized by negative growth (aka, bottomless market), pink-slip employment, low caloric intake, vaporization of financial institutions, and massive adjustments to real value and home ownership. Not associated with Deregulation or Poverty. Potentially eased by bailing out the VIC’s and substituting a Recession. (See Talking Points.) Alternately, the feeling one may have resulting from any of the above.
  • Deregulation: a capital fact that free-market businesses whose bottom line is growth and profit do best without oversight. Not to be faulted for Enron, Freddie or Fannie, Lehman Bros., the 2008-2010 mortgage meltdown, the recent corporate/bank supplicants, the Dot-com-cons, the former S&L problems, etc. And not to be compared to the Constitutional checks and balances mandated for government. (See Public vs. Private.)
  • Efficiency: that which confers maximum return for minimum cost / effort. A pillar of free-market capitalism. No to be confused with Indolence or callousness.
  • Environment: that which surrounds you. Not to be confused with lobbyists. Cleaning up the environment means cleaning up on oil and gas reserves from in or near national parks.
  • Fabrication in pursuit of true conservatism is no vice. Moderation in the denouncement of Liberals is no virtue. (See Public Speaking.)
  • Global Warming: a figment of liberal imagination and a scientific misappropriation of the heat generated by angry liberals. (Not to be confused with the righteous anger generated by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et al.)
  • Indolence: the cause of Poverty. Tendency to be unproductive. Not to be used to explain the differential in production outputs of management and labor.
  • Invisible Hand: term coined by Adam Smith to explain the competitive market’s intuitive management of goods and services through self-interest. Not to be confused with Bernie Madoff (et al.), CEO Compensation, or vaporization of assets.
  • Litmus test for true Conservatives: God ______ America. God ______ those Liberals.
  • Military Spending: a spiraling growth-industry of destruction segued into reconstruction. To be inflated, conflated, and repeated as necessary.
  • Patriotism: 1) to support all American efforts (overt or covert) for the perceived safety of America, the liberation of all people, and the imposition of American capitalism; 2) to honor military service and sacrifice in all cases — except perhaps during elections, as in such cases as John McCain 2000; Max Clelland 2002, John Kerry 2004, etc.; and 3) to not question Traditional Values.
  • Poverty: caused by Indolence. Not to be attributed to Conquest & Plunder, medical crisis, layoff, Abramoff / Madoff, Deregulation, Depression, and so forth.
  • Public Speaking: opportunity to espouse small government and proclaim fiscal conservatism. Not to impact spending practicalities such as earmarks; costs to produce House or Senate majorities; subsidizing deserving VIP’s and VIC’s; appointing loyalists to bureaucratic posts; waging war; running deficits; etc. Also an equal opportunity to ____ those ____ Liberals.
  • Public vs. Private: government (of the people, by the people, and for the people) is a necessary evil and must be constrained. Free-market structures (of the few, by the few, and for the few) are pillars of democracy and must be allowed to self-regulate all growth and profitizing.
  • Right: there is only one Right, and it is us. Not to be confused with the 4th Crusade or with certain bombastic Reverends.
  • Speculation: 1) unsubstantiated rumor that Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand, CEO Compensation, hedge funds, derivatives, creative accounting, NASDAQ, the IRS, and the U.S. Tax Code are a volatile mix of this & that, which is not comprehensible by anyone with a PhD in economics; or 2) short-term massive gains by propheteers [sic indeed] of rising (or falling) values, real or imagined — see Depression; or 3) an unproven theory that market bubbles (aka, booms) cause virtual amnesia, leading to unexpected, déjà vu vaporizations (aka, busts).
  • Talking Points: saying something often enough makes it true — or at least believable, which is close enough. (See Public Speaking.)
  • Traditional Values: competition, efficiency, maximized profit, deregulation, supply & demand, individualism (as to corporate collectives), public virtue, uncompromising loyalty, anti-collectivized-labor, pro-collectivized-capital, growth and consumption, manifest destiny, truth (see Fabrication), certainty, affluence and influence, patriotism, good reasons, and re-election.
  • Transparency: A smokescreen is more transparent than an iron curtain. (See Environment.)
  • U.S. Constitution: A document of uncommon wisdom where WE, THE PEOPLE of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure fabulous prosperity to corporate persons and select others as being those who merit and deserve it, do uphold these preferential values proclaimed in this [as amended in practice****] Preamble of the Constitution for the United States of America. (See Talking Points.)
****As really proclaimed: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.