“It has taken us centuries of thought and mockery to shake the medieval system; thought and mockery here and now are required to prevent the mechanists [technocrats] from building another.”

Dora Russell,* The Right to Be Happy (1927), preface. https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Mockery (*see sidebar)

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Seeing Without Seeing?!

Titled: Rain Forest Fire
Image Source below footnotes*
Here's a visual / mental test for the masses. What do WE see in the images freely provided by the MSM and others about the B.C. fires? Could it be that the powers that be(lieve in proving our stupidity) are once again mocking the masses? Look at these “fire” images below and honestly assess what you see. Perhaps even expand your web searches to “fire” images from the Paradise California “fire.”1 Then, after viewing the “fire” images, answer the concluding questions.
Residents of B.C. community [Monte Lake] return to assess damage as wild fires continue across province (Akshay Kulkarni · CBC News · Posted: Aug 14, 2021 )2
Fire destroys most of Lytton, B.C. and searches are on for some residents (Canada's National Observer | by Hina Alam & Nick Wells | July 2nd 2021 )3 (Especially observe the lead photo by Darryl Dyck)
PHOTOS: Before and after the blaze that destroyed the Village of Lytton (The Chilliwack Progress | JENNA HAUCK | Jul. 13, 2021)4
● IN PHOTOS: Scenes of destruction after wildfire destroys village of Lytton, B.C. (Global News | by Sean Boynto | July 1, 2021 )5
Haunting images show devastation in wake of fire that destroyed B.C. Village [Lytton] CTVNewsVancouver.ca Staff | Published July 12, 2021)6
Lytton, B.C., residents return to see wildfire damage (CBC News, The National | July 9, 2021)7
Do we see the results of a wildfire? Or do we see pulverized structures? mostly un-blackened bricks and shattered, blasted debri? and fire-bombed(?) vehicles? almost all surrounded by stately, unscathed or nigh-unscathed trees? These are truly apocalyptic photos as some headlines announce.

Of course, there are burning forests, BUT where is the evidence for “wildfire” destruction in the decimation of these towns / villages? Are the real wildfires being used as a cover for targeted destruction? big psychopathic moves to cover smaller, vengeful moves? A favored psychopathic strategy? Another transparent mockery of the blind masses?

Yes, folks, it's way past time to discern the psy-op (menticide8 purpose) in these images; time to end the mass psychosis; the mindless brigade serpentine-ing, piped-piper-like, through the 2020s toward a hell of tyranny.

A last word to the powers: if what one sows is what one shall reap, perhaps, a sort of boomerang mockery is on its way?

1. For example: https://dejavu-timestwo.blogspot.com/search?q=paradise (For some reason(?) the feature video images has been taken down, but see also: UPDATE: 11/11/18 PARADISE CAMP FIRE - Damage Update - Street Patrol at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7hn3bov9Qg and other footnote references there.
2. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/residents-of-b-c-community-return-to-assess-damage-as-wildfires-continue-across-province-1.6141333?ref=mobilerss&cmp=newsletter_CBC%20News%20Top%20Headlines%20%20%E2%80%93%20Morning_1613_300109
3. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2021/07/01/news/fire-destroys-homes-buildings-lytton-bc-residents-missing
4. https://www.theprogress.com/news/photos-before-and-after-the-blaze-that-destroyed-the-village-of-lytton/
5. https://globalnews.ca/news/7996986/in-photos-lytton-bc-fire-aftermath/
6. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/haunting-images-show-devastation-in-wake-of-fire-that-destroyed-b-c-village-1.5505903
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xPnGwqd47k
8. Killing of the mind; https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/menticide; also: The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis - Can Sanity Return to an Insane World? (Academy of Ideas | April 24, 2021 | Time 16:31) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdzW-S8MwbI

*Page URl: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rain_forest_fire.jpg
File URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1d/Rain_forest_fire.jpg
Attribution: Colatina, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Monday, August 2, 2021

“Paying Thru the Nose”*

nasopharynx swab
Photo: cdc.gov (See footnote 1)

Despite the claim that “samples pulled from deeper in the nasopharynx have proven to have a higher viral concentration”1 than nasal or throat swabs, one wonders if symbology played an even greater motivation for standardizing the initial deep jab? Reminds one of the choice to test temperature with a gun to the forehead instead of to the wrist which would give a more stable reading.2

This all seems so premeditated, predictive, malevolently symbolic, and mocking. A promised “short,” sharp shock of necessitated tyranny; then forever recycling a virtual gun to the head: No school, church, singing, dining-out. No gyms, salons, parties, concerts, live theatre. No hugs. No face. No grandparents. No non-essential business (i.e., small business]. No non-essential travel. And especially: no, no, no closer than 6 feet (the depth of a burial?!!3).

How long before the “no-no-no-guns” cock again and unload on the unvaccinated? – on the fresh heretics? the new pariahs? the latest scapegoats? (Per the unvarying, historical rule that every crisis requires a scapegoat.)

The predictive programming is everywhere. Just web-search unvaccinated, delta variant, winter lockdown, etc., etc.4 then ask (as to stats and scapegoating): Would a closer measure of truth be to invert the MSM headlines?5

* - Pay through the nose is an idiom which means to pay more than something is worth, to pay an exorbitant price. ... Related terms are pays through the nose, paid through the nose, paying through the nose. https://grammarist.com/idiom/pay-through-the-nose/ (Bold emphasis added.)
- If you say that you paid through the nose for something, you are emphasizing that you had to pay what you consider too high a price for it. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/to-pay-through-the-nose

1. https://www.bannerhealth.com/healthcareblog/teach-me/a-banner-health-microbiologist-explains-covid-19-tests
2. Wrist vs. Forehead: “Conclusions Wrist measurement is more stable than forehead measurement under different circumstance. Both measurements have great fever screening abilities for indoor patients. The cut-off value of both measurements was 36.2°C. (ClinicalTrials.gov number: NCT04274621)” at https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.02.20030148v1
3. “Six feet under”: meaning “Dead and buried, as in No, you can't read my diary—not until I'm six feet under. Although this expression alludes to what has long been the traditional depth of a grave, that is, approximately the same as the length of the coffin ....” [being somewhat in the likeness of self-isolation, quarantine, or buried alive to human, face-to-face, hug-to-hug sociality]. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/six-feet-under
4. Or consider these predictive programming:
   a. - Fauci says unvaccinated Americans are "propagating this outbreak" as Delta spreads | by Melissa Quinn  August 1, 2021 | https://www.cbsnews.com/news/anthony-fauci-covid-19-unvaccinated-americans-delta-variant-face-the-nation/
   b. - Newsweek cover of 5/21 – 5/28/2021 at https://www.zinio.com/ca/newsweek/console-8421-232382-i514850
   c. - Opinion: We could see a winter comeback of covid-19 if we don’t get more Americans vaccinated now Opinion by Leana S. Wen Contributing columnist May 6, 2021 |  https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/05/06/we-could-see-winter-comeback-covid-19-if-we-dont-get-more-americans-vaccinated-now/
   d. - Two gaps to fill for the 2021-2022 winter wave of COVID-19 cases (Maciej F. Boni Associate Professor of Biology, Penn State | Disclosure statement Maciej F. Boni receives funding from the National Institutes of Health and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation | March 3, 2021 |  https://theconversation.com/two-gaps-to-fill-for-the-2021-2022-winter-wave-of-covid-19-cases-156169
   e. - Here's What Experts Think Will Happen To Covid Come Winter: One question hangs in the back of our minds: will cases spike again this winter, marking a return to stricter lockdown measures? By Natasha Hinde 17/03/2021 | https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/will-covid-be-back-in-winter_uk_604b78f4c5b65bed87da0d7c
   f. - COVID-19: UK should prepare now for 'difficult autumn' and 'hard winter', warns Public Health England official: Dr Susan Hopkins says the population may have less immunity to other respiratory viruses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. By David Mercer, news reporter | 8 March 2021 | https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-uk-should-prepare-for-difficult-autumn-warns-public-health-england-official-12238728
  g. - Chris Whitty warns Covid lockdown measures may be needed next winter as virus ‘won’t disappear by spring’ | By Abbianca Makoni | 05 January 2021 | https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/christ-whitty-covid-lockdown-next-winter-b703672.html
   h. - Will we go into lockdown again in autumn? | BY MELIH ALTINOK | JUN 03, 2021 | https://www.dailysabah.com/opinion/columns/will-we-go-into-lockdown-again-in-autumn
   i. - As Covid dissipates in the U.S., cold and flu viruses may return with a vengeance | By Helen Branswell | May 27, 2021 | https://www.statnews.com/2021/05/27/as-covid-dissipates-cold-flu-viruses-return-vengeance-2/
   j. - When the next pandemic hits, scientists aim to have a vaccine already: Here's how Researchers are trying to develop more universal vaccines to be ready for the next coronavirus | Emily Chung · CBC News|· Posted: Feb 12, 2021 | https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/next-pandemic-vaccine-1.5908926?ref=mobilerss&cmp=newsletter_CBC%20News%20Top%20Headlines%20%20%E2%80%93%20Morning_1613_241401
   k. - Public health agency warns of fall COVID resurgence if delta variant becomes dominant strain | Darren Major · CBC News · Posted: Jun 25, 2021 | https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/fall-resurgence-delta-variant-public-health-agency-1.6080357?ref=mobilerss&cmp=newsletter_CBC%20News%20Top%20Headlines%20%20%E2%80%93%20Morning_1613_285522 
5. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2021/05/the-fake-trustworthy.html