IF conspiracy
theorists1 analysts are right and IF predictive programming
2 is in earnest, then “The Alien Coming” is surely near-at-hand. And what better way for the pro- and anti-vaxxers to forget their differences and unite?! like the
venerable Ronald Reagan suggested3 several years ago, though he was referring to a different set of differences.
In any event,
Aliens have been on the
media and
movie menu for decades and now they have been joined by the
military – a sort of
3M trilateral, trifecta of witnesses.
● UFOs buzzing US warships may be aliens: Top spy chief | By Henry Holloway, The Sun | Nov. 11, 2021) at https://nypost.com/2021/11/11/ufos-buzzing-us-warships-may-be-aliens-top-spy-chief/
● 'Truth embargo': UFOs are suddenly all the talk in Washington
After 75 years of taboo and ridicule, serious people can finally discuss the mysterious flying objects, and even skeptics say that's a good thing. By Alex Seitz-Wald | June 13, 2021 at https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/truth-embargo-ufos-are-suddenly-all-talk-washington-n1270560
● Nasa head says he is ‘certain’ of alien life in the universe
● Pentagon won't rule out aliens in long-awaited UFO report | https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57559179
● Extraterrestrials | https://www.usnews.com/topics/subjects/extraterrestrials
Though perhaps it's really a 4M quad-core if we add Serge Monast to the menu?
● Project Bluebeam | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serge_Monast
So I guess it's just a waiting / watching game for us masses. Will this turn out to be a vaporizing theory
4? a true grey or green alien invasion? or an incredible, CGI sky-theatre with back-up – like those true, blue-blood musicians / dancers backing up departed,
hologram stars
5? with a lot of sound and fury, signifying: “Be impressed. Be very impressed”?
And speaking of holograms: I wonder if sky holograms (and / or light shows) must obey the laws of physics? And I wonder if 60-odd years of technocracy accounts for the impressive difference between those almost cookie-cutter greys and the “charms” of a Sophia
6 or the wide-eyed, rosy-cheeked innocence of a nurse named Grace
7 (though she looks more Gracie to me)?
And I wonder too, if former CiA director Bill Casey (1981-1987) was right??
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"8
So, just another heads-up for us masses.9
*No, not “The Russians” as in
https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2019/05/see-we-told-you-so.html2. ● THE PSYCHOLOGY OF EXTRAORDINARY BELIEFS Predictive Programming | April 18, 2018 by van-zandt.2 |
3. President Reagan | Three Famous Alien Threat Speeches (Indrid Cold | April 19, 2015 | Time 2:22) at
4. Or not, as in
5. ● Michael Jackson Hologram at Billboard Music Awards (The Damage Report | May 21, 2014 | Time 5:59 min.) at
● Why the Michael Jackson hologram isn't actually a hologram (The Verge | May 19, 2014 | Time 1:55 min.) at
7. Meet Grace, the healthcare robot COVID-19 created | Celebrity Humanoid Robot Sophia | Robot Nurse (Wion | Jun 9, 2021 | 6:04 min.) at
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" ~ Wm. Casey (former CiA director: 1981-1987)*
SOURCE: Greg Smith, ... Answered September 22, 2014
Originally Answered: Did William Casey (CIA Director) really say: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"
Ex-DCI Bill Casey's quote was attributed online as reported only by Mae Brussell, and so, I bounced it off Barbara Honegger because I knew she worked for Mae B back in the day, and here's what I got on the ACTUAL SOURCE (talk about luck! - I extracted actual email addresses):
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barbara Honegger
Date: Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: Conference on THE WARREN REPORT AND THE
To: Greg Smith
I told Mae about it when we worked together ...
On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 10:32 PM, Greg Smith wrote:
Thanks Barbara! That's priceless. The web attributes it to Mae B only, and therefore, it's discounted in chat and group conversations on social media. You might want to give it better street cred? Your call!
On Sep 21, 2014, at 8:59 PM, Barbara Honegger wrote:
» Seriously -- I personally was the Source
» for that William Casey quote. He said it
» at an early Feb. 1981 meeting in the
» Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of
» the White House which I attended, and
» I immediately told my close friend and
» political godmother Senior White House
» Correspondent Sarah McClendon, who
» then went public with it without naming
» the source ...