It has taken us centuries of thought and mockery to shake the medieval system; thought and mockery here and now are required to prevent the mechanists [technocrats] from building another.

Dora Russell,* The Right to Be Happy (1927), preface. (*see sidebar)

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Co-parenting in the New World Order (WO)

(Side note: In the interests of transparency, full disclosure, and karmic shift,* “Co-” in this blog post title has been abbreviated from Co-opting.)

In 1996, when HR (Her Royal?) Clinton (mostly?) ghosted a book titled, It Takes a Village,1 she didn't gaze far enough into the future. Since 2020, it has become patently obvious that it takes much more than a village to raise 21st Century children. It takes the unquestionable unquestioned expertise of WEF 'n WO 'n WHO. So, for new, naïve parents, here is a brief primer about what co-parenting means for your 21st Century kids coming soon to your family's newly-assigned, stratified rental.
▪ Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is here to stay regardless of the age of the child or the state of the emergency (or alleged emergency).

▪ Parental resistance to co-parenting will be deemed ipso facto neglect or abuse without need for lengthy, expensive adjudication.

▪ Children, judged too young to purchase tobacco, alcohol, or legalized drugs, shall be deemed sufficiently sagacious to vax to the max recommended by the expert co-parent.

▪ Children, judged too young to purchase tobacco, alcohol, or legalized drugs, shall be deemed sufficiently sagacious to change gender ID, gender accoutrements, species ID, age of consent, housing preference, and so forth as sympathized by the expert co-parent.

▪ WHO, WEF, WO, and local CPS narratives supersede all counter-narratives.

▪ Schooling, whether public or private, is pandemic dependent and VAX-compliant.

▪ All travel without a mask or #x-vax is prohibited and, in the case of accompanying mini-minors is dependent on coercive, parental power and / or the sedative state of said mini-minors.

▪ The soon-to-be-released 21st Century WHO Food Guide will be mandatory in meal presentation, monitored by mandatory SMART devices such as phones, fridges, stoves, garburators, compactors, sewage sensors, blood and body monitors, and so forth; backed-up by supermarket receipts to ensure: 1) the absence of meat, sugar, sodas, sweets, milk, cheese, etc., etc.; and 2) the abundance of insect protein, synthetic meat, enhanced GMO veggies and fruits, and so forth. Where there are household infants, synthetic breast milk will be mandatory.

▪ Grandparents and other elderly relatives may, in certain circumstances, be deemed by the expert co-parent to be too health-fragile for personal relationship. (This may soon apply to other family members, plus school mates,2 friends, neighborhood kids, teachers, et al. Only in the metaverse will risky familiarities like touching, hand-holding, hugging, etc. be permitted.)

▪ And so forth.
Who can possibly complain when WO and the Friends of WO bring such order to the chaos of excessive choice and thus, the inevitable bad choices we make when we have such excess? For the present, this choice remains before us:

Heil to the WO! or NO?  

* Karmic shift or dump: where those who perpetrate evil believe responsibility and consequence transfer to those who seeing, see not or hearing, hear not. “We told them. We showed them. They took no heed.” [Karma: “... Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and future suffering.”] See

1. (HRC/Barbara Feinman)