It has taken us centuries of thought and mockery to shake the medieval system; thought and mockery here and now are required to prevent the mechanists [technocrats] from building another.

Dora Russell,* The Right to Be Happy (1927), preface. (*see sidebar)

Showing posts with label gas-lighting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gas-lighting. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Them Mocking Us? | Us Doxing Them & Us?

IF the powers are mocking the masses with manipulated statistics of obedience and vaxx compliance so that resisters (against tyranny and power abuse) feel isolated and alone, perhaps the resisting masses could dox the fabrications(?) by wearing a visible symbol of resistance to tyranny — a sort of voluntary inverse of the infamous, historical yellow badges.1 The masses could choose some form of “smiley face” to flout the brazen cruelty of the mandates, the destructive agendas, the psy-oping, the predictive programming, and the faux(?) numbers — (and also as a belated dox of Canadian PM Trudeau's 2015, promised “sunny ways”2).

Yes, visibly declaring one's resistance to abusive power and control could make one a target for more abuse, but half-a-billion or so global, smiley faces might give every-day witness to the solidarity of those who know what this COVID (and variant) scenario is all about. By all appearances,3 it is about complete and perpetual domination by faux Utopians — those duped, self-deluded purveyors of the recycling mantra “liberty, equality, fraternity” that always delivers the opposite.

So, yes, the smiley faces could mock and dox the power-gain-glory-control-domination fabrications(?) of high compliance, but it could also witness to the world the depth of global resistance to tyranny if we, the masses, could muster the courage to, in essence, visibly dox our commitment to inalienable rights and freedoms by smiling as we plod on discerning, exposing, and prosecuting the lies and crimes against humanity.

1. Yellow badges (or yellow patches), also referred to as Jewish badges (German: ... Judenstern, lit. 'Jew's star'), are badges that Jews were ordered to wear at various times during the Middle Ages by some caliphates, at various times during the Medieval and early modern period by some European powers, and from 1939–1945 by the Axis powers. The badges served to mark the wearer as a religious or ethnic outsider, and often served as a badge of shame.[1] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2. Federal Election 2015: "Sunny Ways, Sunny Ways" Justin Trudeau celebrates victory
(Global News | Oct 19, 2015 | .52 min.) at
3. Just a few samples of many possible:
● Dancing police, medics, etc.:
The Druthers Alternative Newspaper:
● The Children's Health Defense:
● GeoengineeringWatch (Dane Wigington):
● HugoTalks:
● Last American Vagabond:
● David Cullen:  |
● Ice Age Farmer: |
● Elevated PCR cycle Thresholds: PCR Testing Saga: Were We Duped? Were federal health officials and experts at WHO really unaware that the recommended high cycle count (CT) for PCR tests would produce an exorbitant number of false positives for COVID? by Dr. Joseph Mercola (Childrens' Health Defense | Feb. 23, 2021)
PCR Cycle Thresholds: (Bold emphasis added.)
“The FDA has given lab manufacturers a wide latitude in determining the cycle threshold cut-off number of their qualitative tests to determine positive versus negative. These tests were approved under Emergency Use Authorization and have not been subjected to typical FDA scrutiny. With this in mind, the state of Florida has required all laboratories doing COVID testing to report the cycle threshold numbers used in qualitative and quantitative tests.
“So how does a qualitative RT-PCR test work? Basically, the manufacturer sets the test to turn off the cycling or amplification process when a certain number is hit. For a qualitative test set at 40, after 40 amplification cycles, if any viral material is detected, it turns off and is reported as positive. If none is detected, it would be reported as negative. If the number of amplification cycles was really 15 or 25, it would still run until it gets to 40 and be reported as positive.
“With these type of tests, it's critical to use an agreed-upon cycle threshold value such as 33 (CDC) or 35 (Dr. Fauci) rather than setting it at a potentially misleading 40 or 45. Many of the current tests in use are preset by the manufacturer to these higher numbers. “The World Health Organization issued a notice last week telling the labs "the cut-off should be manually adjusted to ensure that specimens with high Ct values are not incorrectly assigned SARS-CoV-2 detected due to background noise." Could this be a reason why many people test positive but remain asymptomatic? In that same memo, WHO said all labs should report the cycle threshold value to treating physicians.” at
● Etc., etc. etc.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

A Plethora of “Honest” Jabber Mistakes?!!

(in a Jabberwocky,* inverted world)

Since the inner-ring powers love to mock the undeserving, deplorable masses, one can't help but wonder at the abundance of “honest” mistakes by vaccine jabbers, and then why the supervising powers allow / require public confession of “honest” incompetence. Is it to feed conspiracy theories about saline-vaccine for the deserving? or just to mock gullibility?
85-year-old woman was one of 22 who ‘mistakenly’ received saline shot at N.C. Walgreens

Davis Co. [Utah] admits [saline] mistake, says some [53] need to receive third shot

[Some Richmond,] Virginia residents get saline shot instead of COVID-19 vaccine by mistake

[Oops, not saline, but empty syringes]
Kroger mistakenly used empty syringes instead of COVID-19 vaccine at Midlothian [Virginia] store [for “6 multiple people”(??)]

62 Minnesota patients received improperly mixed COVID vaccine

Vaccination error [for up to 36 residents] in Port Townsend [Washington]

6 people injected with saline instead of COVID-19 vaccine at Vaughan [Ontario] hospital

5 people in Lethbridge accidentally given saline instead of COVID-19 shot
CBC News

[Oops! Double that to ten]

AHS notifying 10 people in southern Alberta their COVID-19 vaccine is ‘potentially ineffective’ [??!!] after error

Oh la la! French medics inject 140 patients with normal saline instead of Pfizer vaccine ‘by mistake’

Japanese hospital mistakenly gives saline solution shot [1] instead of COVID-19 vaccine
Almost all mistakes occurred in March through May 2021. Do your own search, e.g., “vaccine saline mistake” and ask how long it took to discover the accidental errors.

But let's forget the mistakes. Let's look ahead. Let's not get too hyped on herd immunity or the hope of “old normal.” Let's plan for another “dark winter.” Let's prophesy in this springtime of a hovering “dark cloud”! Let's try predictive programming — again.
Winter COVID Surges Will Bring Lockdowns, Travel Bans, Crammed ICUs
by Fred Guterl on 05/12/21
“But the pandemic is not over. In the U.S., the nation is still divided in its willingness to accept vaccines or heed precautions against infection. Vaccination rates have peaked and herd immunity now seems unlikely before next winter, almost guaranteeing that pockets of people will remain vulnerable to the coronavirus in the fall, as the cold weather closes in. So will millions of people around the world, who are still vulnerable to infection and have little prospect of getting shots anytime soon.

“The coronavirus will continue to circulate widely for months, giving it plenty of opportunities to mutate into troublesome new forms that chip away at the effectiveness of vaccines. The prospect that dangerous new variants will trigger fresh outbreaks—with the accompanying lockdowns, travel restrictions and calls for social distancing and mask-wearing—is a dark cloud over hopes of a return to pre-pandemic normal in 2021 and 2022.”**
Yes, let us reconcile ourselves to annual dark winters; daily masks; nonsensical, arbitrary, fluctuating, cruel rules conceived by recycling tyrannies — unless, that is, we decide it's time to kill the Jabberwock with ten-thousand Vorpal*** words of truth.

*** sharp or deadly

Monday, March 1, 2021

Mocking Us? Doxing Them?


* Image source  & attribution
below footnotes
In the midst of a pandemic forecast to kill millions worldwide, we have dancing police,1 frolicking medics,2 and kids stuffed into loo/shower-tents for band practice.3 Is this all mockery of gullible humans? another one of the great psy-ops?! Ask:
• is such choreography and synchronicity spontaneous? learned in an afternoon? learned in a week?
• why the comic coffin sequences?
• are the time, PPE, & production costs / values paid out of police or hospital budgets?
• why the worldwide mimicry by “professional” adults “managing” a crisis?
• why dancing as early as March 2020 when the deaths were escalating, staff overwhelmed / exhausted / stressed, and the prognostics for deaths in the millions?
But what if many of these antics were staged? What if many of the dancers were costumed crisis actors or dance troops convinced they are helping “to bring a smile in these dark times”? to raise awareness? to boost morale? But are the hidden orchestrators pulling the wool over the sheeps' eyes and guffawing in hilarity at our gullibility – at how much we can see and yet not see? how much we can hear and yet not hear? how much mockery we will tolerate? What if there is a hidden agenda to implant memories for future triggering when the defund mantra and the many frauds are exposed, activated, and then blamed on silent front-liners as things inevitably move into an overdrive of “anarchic” retribution?

When some front-line workers are revealed as participating in massive deceptions of the public, even though many of them were themselves deceived or silenced in fear, they will feel the brunt of the public's wrath while the hidden orchestrators watch with delight4 as the world-wide revolution unfolds with the people destroying themselves along with corrupted visible authorities. That's been the way of revolution forever. Psy-op the people into destroying each other, their leaders, and their society. Then the hidden orchestrators clean up and reorganize what's left.

How long till we admit we're in the midst of a psy-op so vast it is admittedly unbelievable, yet there are some5 (please watch) who see, in part, the mixed, mocking messaging – a crazy-making agenda to further divide the masses – a global, gas-lighting applaud-athon, dance-athon.

1. • Gardaí (Irish Police) across Ireland dancing on Jerusalema (In Ireland | Feb 26, 2021 | Time 2:20 min) at
• Coffin dance police. Peru (Swan Videos |May 7, 2020 | 50 sec.) at
• Police around the world dance the ‘coffin dance’ to raise awareness (Al Arabiya English | May 10, 2020 | 49 sec.) at
YouTube search: covid dancing police for dozens more
2. • Tik Tok Dancing Doctors and Nurses Compilations (Dave DX | April 13 2020 | Time 1:47) at
• Coronavirus: doctors and nurses in Iran filmed dancing in bid to boost morale (Guardian News | March 4, 2020 | 44 sec.) at
• Jefferson doctors use viral dance to send important message (6abc Philadelphia | April 3, 2020 | 49 sec.) at
• Firefighters Celebrate Nurses With Choreographed Dance (Inside Edition | April 8, 2020 | 1:39 min.) at
• Master KG - Jerusalema [Feat. Nomcebo] Challenge (Universe 101 | Sept 27, 2020 | Time 4:14) at
YouTube search covid dancing nurses for dozens more
3. • U.S. high school band finds a new way to play in individual pandemic bubbles (Cameron FrenchCTVNews. | Feb. 26, 2021) at
• Dystopian Photo of School Band Rehearsing in Individual Crammed Tents Goes Viral (News 18 Buzz) |FEBRUARY 27, 2021) at
• Hugo Talks (at 10 min mark) at

4. Pearl of Great Price | Moses 7:26 ~ And he [Moses] beheld Satan; and he had a great chain in his hand, and it veiled the whole face of the earth with darkness; and he looked up and laughed, and his angels rejoiced.
5. Nurse Practitioner Reacts to Dancing Nurse TikTok Videos (Nursejanx | April 21, 2020 | Time 5:43 min.) at (Read comments as well)

* Image Source: Page URL: 
Jakedotdk, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons