It has taken us centuries of thought and mockery to shake the medieval system; thought and mockery here and now are required to prevent the mechanists [technocrats] from building another.

Dora Russell,* The Right to Be Happy (1927), preface. (*see sidebar)

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Quiz for the Self-Anointed

I can fly my private jet anywhere, without guilt, because:
  I am wealthy enough to buy carbon credits
  I donate millions to climate pscience*
  I know the real climate pscience facts
  My time is too valuable to fly Plebeian Air
□  I have friends in high places
□  On a clear day, I can see forever
I can ignore PHO* mandates because:
□  I simulated the pandemic panic, so I was not afraid
□  I know the plandemic facts
□  I have honorary doctorates
□  My immunity and impunity to many things is exceptional
□  I frequently fly above the plandemic to attend essential meetings
□  I have a non-religious exemption
□  I have fiends friends in high places
I am buying farm land everywhere to save the world because:
  there are too many cows, marginal farm families, and CO2 emitters
  we need to reduce the vacancy rate in high-rise Ghost cities
□  we need more room for pristine nature
  I like open spaces
  the current view from my private leer Lear is cluttered chaos
  I have a sufficient stash of meat jerkies in my DUMB* mansion
  My stash of jerky doesn't emit CO2
I am buying housing everywhere for the good of humanity because:
  every human and robot needs a place (out of inclement weather) to reside
  the futures for rentals are promising
  if the future for humans is less so, embodied AIs still need family space
  housing is a strong incentive for P3* staffers and retinue
  low-income housing is a strong motivator for perplexed Plebeians
I am pro-P3-crypto and e-money because:
  too many con-artists are in the econ-market
□  paper and coin transmit contagion
  e-funds keep track of purchases, including sugar/fat/salt/meat consumption
□  e-blocking can control unwise spending and thought
  P3-crypto can curb fake news, dis- and misinformation, and recalcitrance
□  e-wallets are less bulky and risky than back-packs of cash
I have sufficient authority to do what I do because:
□  I feel called to bring order-out-of-chaos
□  I feel authoritative
  I have honorary doctorates
□  I own the world's largest private jet and yacht (or know someone who does)
  I own a sports team (or know someone who does)
  I don't have to clear customs when I travel
  I am a direct descendant of someone important
□  I know the capos of (or own shares in) BlackRock and / or Vanguard
  I've been to Bohemian Grove (or its equivalent)
  I have perfect (or near perfect) FICO and SICO* scores
  I meditate daily on the nature of my being special
NB: If you ticked 6 or more boxes, purchase of an asbestos suit is recommended.

On the other hand ... (It's still extended!)
*Legend: If you are unfamiliar with any terms used herein, google or wiki or YT-search them; or use the search box on: (DV1) (DV2) (Moc)

DV1 has covered many of these topics:
   » BlackRock
   » Bohemian Grove
   » carbon credits
   » CO2
   » DUMB = Deep Underground Military Base
   » SICO = Socially Indexed Credit Obedient(+) or Offender(-) as each case may prove (search DV1 & Moc)
   » Ghost cities
   » P3 = Public Private Partnership
   » PHO = public health officials
   » plebeian
   » pscience = politicized science (search DV1)
   » Vanguard